Claim Your Seat at the Heavenly Council

I am 100 percent convinced that this season we are in right now is the time to take land back from the enemy.

The enemy of this world is on the prowl, and he is conniving in character. The devil wants nothing more than to stop you right now from pushing forward and taking back what is rightfully yours.

You have a destiny! Your destiny is so much bigger and better than you can even imagine. Did you know that Heaven is cheering you on?

Therefore, since we also have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let’s rid ourselves of every obstacle and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking only at Jesus, the originator and perfecter of the faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:1-2).

You know how Holy Spirit highlights certain parts of a passage to catch your attention? Two things about this scripture jump out to me. First, the mention of the cloud of witnesses that surround us. Heaven is looking in. Did you know that?

Once, my spiritual eyes were opened to actually see this. I’ll never forget it. I was filming my television show, Eagles Arise, for Sid Roth. Apostle Tony Kemp was my guest on the show and we were talking about the glory of God. The cameras were rolling, all eyes fixed on us, and suddenly my eyes were opened.

Open visions are interesting and often hard to explain. The best way I can describe an open vision is like a film rolling or transposed over the natural. As we sat there, I suddenly saw all these people from Heaven looking into the room. Hundreds of them sat pressing in to see what was going on. Their faces were full of joy and they were cheering us on.

Now before you close this article and think I’ve totally lost it here, I want to challenge you. What if, just maybe, I haven’t! John writes about an open vision in the book of Revelation in the Bible.

After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me, said, “Come up here” (Revelation 4:1).

Personally, I’ll never forget that moment in the studio. Time stood still as I realized that Heaven is watching and cheering us on. Suddenly, Heaven seemed all the closer. The whole notion of having a “heavenly perspective” became all the more real, and boy, did my perspective shift.

In the timeline of God, you and I have a small window to make a difference in this planet. When we get our minds renewed and transformed by the reality of Heaven, priorities get shifted. Suddenly, the things that seemed to bother us or drive our ambitions get changed. When we get Heaven on our mind and He melts our heart to match His, suddenly we find purpose.

Let me share with you another vision I had of heaven!

Once I was taken up into a vision. I walked into a room where before my eyes I could see many seats lining the room. Immediately, I could discern the importance of the room. This was a place where decisions were made! This was a place of meeting with purpose. Jesus suddenly appeared in the room. He was dressed with robes that were thick and royal purple.

“The Governmental Room,” He spoke to me. “Ana, it’s time to take your seat.”

He motioned to a chair along the wall and smiled encouragingly at me.

I struggled and wrestled with approaching the chair. In my mind, I battled with my thoughts. Surely there are people more deserving to sit in a governmental seat like this, who have far greater accomplishments that I do, I thought.

Knowing my thoughts, He repeated, “It’s time to take your seat.”

I sat down in the chair, and with my eyes closed something wild took place. (As if this could get any wilder!) With my eyes closed, I suddenly saw hundreds and thousands of faces of people one by one before me, and I just knew these were the faces of the people I would pour into. These were the faces of people God was giving me His heart for. One by one, I kept seeing them.

“It will cost you to sit here, but it’s time,” He spoke.

That phrase has forever been imprinted in me. I’ve revisited those words several times as I ponder over them. You and I were destined to reign:

We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it! (Ephesians 2:10 TPT)

But that word reign actually looks different from Heaven’s perspective. Jesus reigns, and He poured out everything. He shed blood so that we might reign with Him. Scripture says He was unrecognizable for what He endured on the cross.

It’s important to stop and remember just what He went through for you and me, for the sake of love. Loving Him fully means allowing Him to transform our mind. To reign with Him, you and I must have a heavenly transformed mind—the mind of Christ.

Be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes (Romans 12:2 TPT).

What’s on Christ’s mind is people. So sitting on my governmental seat in Heaven that day meant so much more than just the idea, “I was created to reign.” The soberness of the moment hit me strongly. The responsibility that Christ was showing me—I can’t even put it into words. Heaven’s perspective is the only way I know how to put it.

You and I were created to reveal His kingdom to the world. And do you know what? The world is hurting right now! If we just stop and look, people all around us are hurt and disappointed with what life’s handed them. The enemy of this world does everything he can to rob and destroy the wonderful plans and purposes of the Lord.

People need to know the hope of Jesus. They need to know the hope of Jesus through you!

Perhaps right now you find yourself in the place where you need to feel and know hope again. Do you know God has a purpose for your life?

But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken (Psalm 33:11 NLT).

God has a plan.

Ana Werner

Ana Werner and her husband Sam currently reside in Kansas City, Missouri and are involved with the International House of Prayer. They have two precious kids that keeps them busy. Collectively they have ministered in over 13 different nations overseas. They were both called by God for missions and ministry at a young age. Ana moves in the prophetic and healing gifts. She is a Seer and teaches on seeing in the Supernatural with Jesus in churches and arenas around the world. Ana is an inspiring author and speaker. Her transparency as she shares on the realities and experiences she has in heaven, always bring Holy Spirit and the power of God into the room when she speaks. Healing, signs and wonders follow her ministry. She writes, “My deepest desire by sharing about Heaven is for people to grow more in love with Jesus, step into freedom, and live life to its fullest for Him! He is worth all our love! Intimacy with Him brings healing, healing brings freedom, and freedom brings joy!” Ana and Sam are also the founders of Acacia Ministries International, a non-profit organization that helps sustain and support missionaries all over the world, by processing all of their finances. Ana serves as the associate director in the Heartland Healing Rooms, a healing prayer ministry located in the Kansas City area.


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