A National Conspiracy: Abortion, Racism, and Greed


*Disclaimer: Some of the quotes in this article contain graphic descriptions of violence

“More than 20,000,000 Black lives have been lost to abortion—more than the entire Black population in 1960.” —Catherine Davis, President of the Restoration Project1

How can you tell the difference between an abortion mill and a pregnancy resource center? That was a question I was asked while debating some lovely ladies peddling an at-home abortion kit on national television. I brought up the fact that for every abortion mill charging to kill her child, there were several pregnancy centers offering women a free choice she and her child could “live with.”

The mic was given to an angry member of the audience who accusingly said, “I’ve seen 60 Minutes, I’ve seen 20/20—you’re talking about those fake clinics that try to trick women into having their child.”

I responded, “If you’re looking through the yellow pages, and you’re not sure whether you’re looking at a pregnancy resource center or an abortion facility, here’s a good rule of thumb: If you see any reference to VISA or Mastercard, that’s abortion. Our services are free.”

That comment was cut from the program when it aired. Color me surprised.

The abortionists are charging hundreds of dollars for every baby they kill2 while pro-life advocates are saving babies for free—at great cost to pro-life people, not pregnant women. If you knew nothing else, you would be able to tell who is really “pro-women” just by knowing that fact.

I just spoke for the Community Pregnancy Center in Middletown, Ohio, run by Ohio Heartbeat Bill sponsor Representative Candice Keller. They offer diapers, infant and toddler clothes, coats, shoes, furniture, and more. And like other pregnancy centers across America, everything they do is free. They also offer counseling, training, adoption assistance, and parenting classes where Moms2B and Dads2B earn credits for items like cribs and strollers.

Other centers like Lori’s House near Branson, Missouri, founded by Jim and Lori Bakker, provide a beautiful home, giving pregnant mothers and their children a safe and loving place to live. They provide meals, child care, jobs, and education—all free.

Does anyone know of a single abortion clinic doing anything like that? No, they’re too busy killing babies for profit.

Carol Everett was part-owner of several abortion mills near Dallas. In the documentary Blood Money, Everett admits her goal was to sell abortions in schools through sex education.3 According to Ed Szymkowiak, national director of STOPP International, a division of American Life League, “Planned Parenthood’s entire business relies upon sex education, which corrupts young minds and increases youth promiscuity.” He said, “This in turn establishes a customer base of contraception users, and eventually abortion clients.”4

It’s not just leaders in the pro-life movement who’ve discovered this. Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers, a Republican, attacked his state’s proposed comprehensive sex-education curricula, saying they are “grooming children to be sexualized” with their “drawings of people engaged in sex acts.”5 Bowers said Planned Parenthood has “created the business plan of hell” by developing programs that lead to high-risk behaviors and pregnancy, which lead students back to their doors for STD treatments and abortions.6

Everett confirms that assessment. “So they would turn to us…we would give them a low-dose birth control pill they would get pregnant on or a defective condom,” she said, adding that they “bought the cheapest condoms” because their “goal was three to five abortions from every girl between the ages of thirteen and eighteen.”7

Everett explained, “Who does she call when she’s pregnant? She calls us. We’re the experts. And we were ready. We used a script to overcome every single objection. That’s what sales is—overcome the objection, and you get the order—in this case, the abortion.”8 She said the abortion “counselor” is “really a telemarketer” who is “selling abortions over the telephone.”9

Former sex educator Monica Cline, who worked with Planned Parenthood for ten years, agrees: “The sex education grooms them for promiscuity. Grooms them for STD treatment, and grooms them for abortion.”10 Cline told how they were instructed to identify with student’s fears, “Say, ‘you’re just a teenager, the last thing you want is a baby.’ ‘Your parents are probably going to be so mad at you. We can take care of this for you, it’s not a problem.’”11 Cline added that Planned Parenthood employees “always went to the extreme,” saying, “If we don’t do this for this girl, she will live in poverty. Or her parents will commit acts of violence.”12

Planned Parenthood operates 45 percent of all abortion clinics.13 Their 2017 annual report revealed Planned Parenthood performs more than 320,000 abortions per year,14 killing thirty-seven babies each hour. That’s one baby every ninety-eight seconds around the clock, bringing in annual profits of nearly $100 million.15 President Trump pulled the plug on $60 million that went to Planned Parenthood through Title X funding.16 Yet taxpayers are still forced to pay the abortion giant about a half-billion dollars of our hard-earned money every year—something even Republicans in Congress have refused to change.17 That takes Planned Parenthood to over a billion dollars in annual revenue.18 Not a bad profit for a “nonprofit.”19

And do you want a glimpse into how they’re spending that blood money? They give it to those who will vote to fuel their abortion frenzy with our tax dollars. Planned Parenthood announced they expect to spend $45 million or more in the 2020 election season in hopes of unseating President Trump and eventually flipping the narrowly controlled Republican Senate.20 They want more people to enable them and turn a blind eye to even confessions of crimes caught on video.

You see, Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry aren’t just making money killing babies; they are making money selling the organs of those babies. In an undercover video released by the Center for Medical Progress, Dr. Mary Gatter, a Planned Parenthood medical director, is seen saying she wanted to charge enough for aborted baby organs to afford an expensive sports car. The undercover video captures her telling actors posing as fetal tissue buyers, “I want a Lamborghini.”21

Gatter haggled over the price she would charge for intact organs from the aborted babies, making sure her compensation was commensurate to that of other Planned Parenthood clinics.22 As if this weren’t horrifying enough, Gatter discussed changing the method of abortion from a vacuum aspirator to what she called a “less crunchy” method to retrieve the aborted baby’s organs intact.23

In the seventh video the Center for Medical Progress released, Holly O’Donnell, a former technician for a biotech company called StemExpress, described the organ harvesting or “procurement” conducted at Planned Parenthood’s clinic in San Jose, California. Her supervisor called her over to take a look at what she described as “the most gestated fetus and the closest thing to a baby I’ve seen.”24

My supervisor said, “I want to show you something”…And she just taps the heart, and it starts beating. And I’m sitting here and I’m looking at this fetus, and its heart is beating, and I don’t know what to think.25

O’Donnell added, “It had a face…its nose was very pronounced; it had eyelids, and its mouth was pronounced.”26

Like they were in some kind of ghoulish science-fiction movie, O’Donnell’s next task was to help her supervisor procure the baby’s brain.27

O’Donnell was told what to do next:

“OK, so what you do is you go through the face”…And she takes the scissors and she makes a small incision right here [pointing to her chin], and goes, I would say, to maybe a little bit to the mouth. And she’s like, OK, can you go the rest of the way? And I’m like, “Yes.” And I didn’t want to do this.28

And so she gave me the scissors and told me that I have to cut down the middle of the face. And I can’t even, like, describe, like, what that feels like. And I remember picking it up and finishing going through the rest of the face, and Jessica picking up the brain and putting it in the container…and I’m just sitting there like “What did I just do?” And that was the moment I knew I couldn’t work with the company anymore.29

In another Center for Medical Progress video removed by YouTube, Planned Parenthood executives made jokes about eyeballs from aborted babies “rolling down into their laps.”30

How will history view this? How has history viewed the killing of innocent human beings in the past? The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg answers the question.

Killing Jews was not only “legal” in World War II Germany; it was ordered. Yet the judges at Nuremberg rejected the “I was just following orders” defense.31

Rudolf Höss, the commandant at Auschwitz, testified:

Don’t you see, we SS men were not supposed to think about these things; it never even occurred to us…We were all so trained to obey orders without even thinking that the thought of disobeying an order would simply never have occurred to anybody, and somebody else would have done just as well if I hadn’t…I really never gave much thought to whether it was wrong. It just seemed a necessity.32

The Nuremberg judges declared it was impossible for the defendants to “not know that murdering civilians was both illegal and immoral.”33 Twenty Nazi leaders were found guilty by the court, four of whom were executed.34

If it’s ever unclear about which side of history to be on, choose God’s side. God’s side will always be the right side of history.

But the abortion lobby would rather forget about history, forget about what’s impossible not to know—because there’s money to be made! A StemExpress flyer distributed to Planned Parenthood clinics promised “financial profits” and fiscal rewards for clinics that supplied aborted fetal tissue.35 After all, Gatter needs to be able to afford her Lamborghini.36 StemExpress’ annual revenue is a reported $4.5 million.37 Where do those profits go? It’s not just for sports cars; they are padding the pockets of pro-abortion politicians who enable all they do. As mentioned, Planned Parenthood plans to spend $45 million or more to defeat President Trump and help death-loving Democrats take over the U.S. Senate.38

Catherine Davis, president of the pro-life Restoration Project, said, “One of the physicians in [a] deposition said she didn’t care if the videos were released—she did nothing wrong. They profited not only from those paying for the abortion, not only from the Medicaid funds they billed the government for the abortion—they profited again from selling the parts of the children they aborted.”39 Much like the Nazis profited from the bodies of the Jewish victims they murdered.40

The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a felony punishable by up to ten years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000. In fact, U.S. Code 280G-2 states, “It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration.”41

Investigations into the selling of fetal tissue have yielded no indictments. Yet investigative journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, who posed as fetal tissue buyers in the secretly recorded undercover videos, are facing fifteen felony charges for invasion of privacy.42 The videos exposed the abortion industry for what it is. It should come as no surprise that the California Federal Court is censoring hundreds of hours of new information from being released through an injunction resulting from Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation lawsuits.43

While we save babies for free, the abortionists kill them for cash, rip out their organs, and sell them for more cash. But there’s more behind the mask of “choice” than greed. Its repugnant roots are in racism.

The Real Racists

Guess who said this: “We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”44

A. President Donald Trump

B. Congressman Steve King

C. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger

The answer is C. This isn’t a misquote from The New York Times like what they used against Congressman Steve King. There is an actual letter signed by Margaret Sanger in 1939 to fellow eugenicist Clarence Gamble describing what she called the “Negro Project.” She said:

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.45

Did you see that? Sanger wanted to “exterminate the Negro population,” and she wanted black ministers to help her do it. It seems she thought if her organization could hire black ministers with “engaging personalities,” they could manipulate the black community into thinking, as Nazi propagandist Goebbels said, they are acting on their own accord—perhaps even in their own best interests—when they decided to get abortions. That’s how propaganda works best, he said, “When those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.”46

Sanger got her wish. Her “Negro Project” has already exterminated 25 percent of the African-American population since 1973—killing more of the black community than violent crime, heart disease, AIDS, and cancer combined.47

Did you catch that? A quarter of the black population has already been wiped out, thanks to Planned Parenthood! Killed at the design of Planned Parenthood’s founder who sought to exterminate the entire “Negro population.” Where is the outrage?

If you believe black lives matter, it’s time to stand up against the most lethal form of racism in America—abortion. Sanger knew the people she wanted to exterminate, and those who followed her made sure the crosshairs were right on the target: today 79 percent of Planned Parenthood’s abortion facilities are in minority neighborhoods.48

Not surprisingly, Sanger was also a featured speaker at a meeting of the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan, which she wrote about in her autobiography.49 Why not? They shared the same hatred of black and minority communities. I’m sure the KKK would have held Sanger in high esteem; after all, while 3,446 black Americans were lynched in the U.S. between 1882 and 1968,50 that number is surpassed every three days by abortion. On Sanger’s board was one of her most trusted advisors, Lothrop Stoddard, PhD, who praised the Nazi sterilization law51 and wrote a book titled The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy.

Sanger, who sought a “cleaner race” by “weeding out the unfit,”52 advocated requiring every American family to submit a request to the government to have a child. She told America Weekly in 1934 that it had “become necessary to establish a system of birth permits.”53

She would have been right at home in communist China. Abortion is Planned Parenthood’s priority. Don’t believe me? Ask their director. Oh wait, she was fired. Planned Parenthood director Leana Wen said she was terminated in July of 2019 because she “did not prioritize abortion enough.”54

During her testimony for the Ohio Heartbeat Bill, Catherine Davis of the Restoration Project made the chilling statement that “more than 20,000,000 black lives have been lost to abortion—more than the entire black population in 1960.”55

Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, said: “What the Ku Klux Klan could only dream about, the abortion industry is accomplishing.”56 Consider the following facts:

  • Although black Americans make up 13 percent of the U.S. population, black women have more than 35 percent of the abortions.57

  • A black baby is three times more likely to be killed in the womb than a white baby.58

  • Almost as many African American babies are aborted as are born.59

  • In cities like New York, more black babies are killed by abortion than are born.60

  • Every week more African Americans are killed by abortion than all the people killed in the Vietnam War.61

Where Is the Outrage?

Those who oppose conservatives are constantly calling anyone who disagrees with them “racist.” Yet the greatest and most lethal form of racism is abortion.

Don’t believe me? Ask Jesse Jackson. He said, “Abortion is black genocide.”62

I ran into Mr. Jackson at an airport several years ago and asked him about it. “Rev. Jackson, do you remember when you called abortion ‘black genocide’?”

He replied, “It can be.”

To which I responded, “How is it that you now favor even partial-birth abortion?”

He claimed he didn’t.

“Then you’ll support the bill to ban it?”

He had to go. You see, Jesse Jackson knows in his heart that abortion kills children—and disproportionately kills black children. But in order to run for president on the Democratic ticket, one has to kiss the bloody ring and pledge allegiance to child killing. That is what Jackson did.

Rev. Jackson, if you’re reading this I would also remind you of another thing you said, “What happens to the mind of a person and the moral fabric of a nation that accepts the aborting of the life of a baby without a pang of conscience?”63

And something Jesus said, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36 KJV).

The other side of the story is that when Michael Schiavo was starving his estranged wife, Terri Schiavo, to death (with a public girlfriend on the side), I was there with many others fighting for her life. I had heard that Jesse Jackson made a statement in the media in favor of Terri—and so I called a number I found on a website.

Emphasizing the number of television cameras and press outside the hospice where they were starving Terri, I asked Rev. Jackson if he would come and help us. To his credit, he did.64

He came and prayed with the family in the same way I would have imagined Rev. Jerry Falwell might have done. His prayer was biblical, comforting, hopeful, and seemingly heartfelt. He then went before the press to be a voice for the woman whose voice—and life—was taken from her. Thank you, Rev. Jackson. I will never forget it.

Rev. Jackson called me on his way to the airport. I thanked him again for coming, and at the end of the call Jesse Jackson said, “I love you.”

I replied, “I love you, too.”

I hung up in a daze, telling Terri’s mother, “I just told Jesse Jackson that I loved him. What alternative world are we living in?” It’s a world where those who have been your friend—and then your enemy—can be your friend again. With God all things are possible.

Always keep in mind there is no one outside God’s reach—no one. Just because they are fiercely working against you doesn’t mean that God isn’t moving in their hearts. When I testified for the Heartbeat Bill in the Ohio Senate committee in 2018, a pro-abortion Democrat Senator came up to me afterward and asked me the closest thing to “What must I do to be saved?” that I have ever experienced. This woman said she used to go to a Baptist church, but after becoming a champion of abortion in the Senate, asked “How can I find my way back to God?” I didn’t doubt her sincerity—she had nothing to gain by pretending; in fact, talking to me didn’t win her any points with her pro-abortion friends. I prayed for her in the hallway, while a fellow Democrat senator walked by rolling her eyes. I followed up with the name of a respected Baptist church in her area, as she requested, and encouraged her to start by obeying God—and casting a vote against the shedding of innocent blood. She did not. Yet.

Pastor Stephen Broden, of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, and Dr. Johnny Hunter, of Life Education and Resource Network, were among the African American leaders who came to the Ohio statehouse to support Ohio’s Heartbeat Bill, which would protect unborn babies with a detectable heartbeat—no matter their race.

I watched these leaders lobby African American legislators, handing them a copy of the documentary film Maafa 21: Black Genocide in the 21st Century. My heart broke as I heard Pastor Broden plead with black Democrats in the Ohio senate to “be a voice for our race.” They sought a champion, but found none.

I recently spoke at Merciful Ministries, a black church near Detroit, Michigan. I told them about the black pastors who pleaded with Ohio legislators, saying, “They are annihilating our race.” Those legislators refused to stand and fight, but in Michigan they don’t have to wait for elected officials. As I told the congregation, the people can rise up and be the voice for the voiceless with petitions that will bring the Heartbeat Bill to a vote. Dozens from the congregation came forward to become “heartbeat heroes,” committing to get a thousand signatures each. When the signatures are gathered, it will go before the state legislature, where it requires a simple majority vote to become law (without a signature of their pro-abortion governor).

One of the most powerful pro-life tools since The Silent Scream is the movie my friend Mark Crutcher produced, Maafa 21. It’s the DVD pastors handed out in the Ohio senate documenting the racist beginnings of abortion and the continuation of that racist agenda to this day. It was shown on Capitol Hill, and several staff members from the Congressional Black Caucus responded to the invitation to the viewing. One left in tears. She said she came with one “mindset” but left with a changed life. She hadn’t realized just how committed the abortion movement was to the elimination of her race.

And while we’re on the subject of racism, there is another heralded hero of the Left who was also a real white supremacist. His name was Charles Darwin.

The full title of Darwin’s famous evolution book is On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. So what are the favored races? Which race is going to occupy the inferior place nearest the ape, and which is going to occupy the superior position furthest away?

Notorious racist Madison Grant used Darwin’s theory to promote what he called “scientific racism.” Grant spoke of the survival of the “white master race” in his book The Passing of the Great Race, which was translated into German. In 1930, Grant received a letter from an aspiring politician, saying this book is “my bible.”65 The man was Adolf Hitler.

Margaret Sanger shared the same eugenic philosophy as Hitler. Sanger’s Birth Control Review ran articles by Nazi doctors including “Eugenical Sterilization: An Urgent Need” by Ernst Rudin, head of the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene and director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, where Josef Mengele, who performed horrific “medical” experiments on Auschwitz prisoners, was employed.66

That article ran in April 1933, the same year Ruden worked with SS chief Heinrich Himmler to draft Germany’s 1933 sterilization law calling for sterilization of all Jews and “colored” German children.67

Sanger didn’t just share the Nazi ideals of eugenics; she shared Hitler’s idea of putting those she deemed unfit into concentration camps to “corral” the “enormous part of our population” with “hereditary taints.”68 She said:

To apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted…to apportion farm lands and homesteads for these segregated persons where they would be taught to work under competent instructors for the period of their entire lives….69

Abortion and the Nazi party have this in common—racism. We know where abortion leads. We’ve seen where the Nazis took us. And it is all the fruit of the seed of evolution.

Inspired by Darwin

I broadcasted daily radio commentaries for nearly twenty years on over 300 networks including the Bott Radio Network and American Family Radio Network, but quit to focus on the introduction of the federal Heartbeat Bill in 2017. One commentary entitled “Inspired by Darwin” stands out to me because when I wrote it, I cried.

After telling listeners the full title of Darwin’s book, I asked them what happens when people believe there is a favored, superior race. Then I gave the shocking answer. In 1906 the Bronx Zoo relied on evolution to justify caging a twenty-three-year-old pygmy man named Ota Benga in the “monkey house.”70

A local minister fought to release Ota and taught him English. Haunted by the dehumanizing experience, Ota repeatedly slapped his chest and declared, “I am a man. I am a man.” At the age of thirty-two, Ota shot himself in the head, dying ten years after being put on display at the Bronx Zoo.71

All of this was inspired by Charles Darwin.72

In his book One Blood, Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis, explains that we are all of one blood—every human being is our relative, a member of the same family, which began at creation. We could solve the racial problems by turning to the Bible.

And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, Acts 17:26).

The entire evolution battle is about whether God created man or if we are just part of a random mutation where the strong are free to dominate the weak. Evolution is the foundation for racism, and racism was Planned Parenthood’s foundation for abortion. Where the old can kill the young. Abortion has already wiped out 20 million black lives—a quarter of the black population. Each one of those black lives matter. If you believe in equality, it’s time to apply that standard across the board—black and white, young and old, born and unborn. If we want to stop the prenatal lynching, we need to change the laws that allow it. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me.”73

Janet Porter 


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