Prophetic Treasures New and Old

I tend to act as a scout in the Holy Spirit, surveying the landscape. I always have my spiritual antennas out, my eyes and ears open for the Holy Spirit to reveal to me “voices that need to be heard.” I am on the lookout for consecrated believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who are carrying a distinct sound—a new sound—a fresh anointing.Like a Samuel, I am peering into the heart of a matter and asking the Holy Spirit to show me new dread champions for the prophetic cause of Christ. These are those who are not just repackaging the "same ole' thing" in another new wrapping paper, but who are fresh themselves and deliver their “now word” with relevancy to a hungry church into a broken world.I call these chosen vessels “treasure chests.” Matthew 13:52 states, “And Jesus said to them, ‘Therefore every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a head of a household, who brings out of his treasure things new and old’” (NASB). We are each called be treasure chests for the Kingdom of God who store up and bring forth treasures both “new and old.” But did you notice the order? Treasures both “new and old.” So, we must be people who honor our rich Church history and those who labored diligently before us, but we must also be a steward of the “fresh, now word” so desperately needed.

Consecrated Carriers

Some carry a word for a moment, but a moment only. They might carry a “now word” but in reality, it has no long-term effect. They can tend to be a part of the flavor of the month club in the sometimes, fickle Body of Christ. They appear on the scene with a flash and a splash, and then they disappear or fall in front of everyone’s eyes as quickly as they appeared, because they did not have character necessary to carry the content. So, then if it is more than simply the next rising star, then what am I on the lookout for then?As veteran of full-time vocational ministry for over forty-five years, and as a survivor and thriver of multiple moves of the Holy Spirit, my heart pounds within me when I find the prophetic potential of five key components: 1) consecration, 2) content, 3) charisma, 4) character, and most importantly 5) Christos. What did you say? We hear a lot about the fivefold ministry gifts, but what about the fivefold in the context of the five c’s? There we go!God is looking for those who are number one consecrated and set apart unto Him and not superficially glitzy like the world. And does the Word of God matter? Oh yes, it does! These are those who have the second element called content. This comes from reading, devouring, and praying the Word of God. It oozes out of their very pores.Another key component is charisma. Are they anointed by the Holy Spirit? With these servant leaders, the gifts of God are freely flowing, and there is a supernatural dimension to their lives. And what about character? If the gifts cannot be earned and they are a trademark of the amazing grace of God, then is there a flip side to this thing called discipleship? Charisma is God’s free gift to us and others, but character is our gift back to our heavenly Father and then to those around us. Yes, character matters!What is this Christos thing you are referring to? Does the person live for Jesus? Do they walk with Jesus? Do they teach others how to be like Jesus? The true spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus! Is Christ the center of who they are, what they teach, and how they live? If so, I am on board! When the five c’s meet the fivefold we have consecrated carriers!

The Compassion of God

As I compose these words for the foreword of the consecrated, courageous prophetic warrior Emma Stark, I am weeping out of gratitude that I get to see the next generation arising who exhibit exactly what I am talking about. They are a new breed of compassionate warriors for Christ Jesus, who live their lives on their knees and then get up and run to the battle. Oh, this is what makes this once young, zealous man who is now older and a veteran elated! This is what makes Papa God and Jesus’s heart skip a beat! A generation of prophetic warriors is here!This book is old truths made new. You are holding in your hands needed arsenal to equip and train the Body of Christ to be all they can be in Christ Jesus. You are holding in your hands a stick of explosive dynamite! It is indeed my honor to commend to you the life, the teachings, and the anointing that rests upon one of God’s chosen ones for such a time as this! Great job, Emma!Read this. Eat this. Become the content in this book!With Gratitude,Dr. James W. GollFounder of God Encounters MinistriesGOLL Ideation LLC 
