Quarantine Prophecy #2: We are in a Season of Pruning and Sifting


I was making my coffee the other morning and the voice of the Lord thundered over me so loudly it shook me. He spoke these words “Lana, I am forging and forming the true ecclesia”.

Immediately the understanding came to me. In this shifting and in this shaking there is a SIFTING taking place. God is sifting. He is looking for those who are 'all in’. He is looking for those who are ‘moving with Him’ and their hearts are fully surrendered to Him. This is the place where God is looking for those who are all about Him and His ways and His agenda. He is desperately longing and looking for those who want His heart.

Let me stop there for a second because these words when He spoke them undid me to the core.

“Lana, I am looking for those who want MY HEART”

When He spoke those words, I was undone by the invitation. This is a time to receive the heart of God. This is a time to hear what God is saying. This is a time to receive His heart of love for yourself and for others. This is a time to receive His perspective and wisdom. This is a time to really see what is on the heart of God. Think about that for a second. Not an invitation to hear what your next door neighbour is saying, this is an invitation to hear deeper than you ever have what is on the King of King’s heart. This is an invitation right now to see what the King of Kings is building and dreaming about. It is right now an invitation to partner with His blueprints and strategies for the greatest move of the Spirit of God upon the earth. Is it urgent? Absolutely! Why? Because the King of Glory is coming! (Psalm 24:7-9) He’s coming, ready or not. He wants you ready! He wants me ready! He wants us to be in a place where our lamps are full of oil.. (Matthew 25)

There is a purification taking place of heart motives, the question being asked ‘What do you want more?” It’s not a question of condemnation, it’s a question that calls us higher. It’s a question that aligns.

In the garden place as His Spirit falls heavily upon you those desires are coming to the surface and as the Holy Spirit is embraced to do His work the fire of His presence is consuming any other desire and He is imparting His fire, the fire of His love and presence in weight we have never before experienced and the BURNING ONES ARE BEING BIRTHED.

Those who give their whole lives. Those whose hearts are living and burning in adoration for Jesus first and foremost. This is a threshing floor friends. This is a glorious threshing floor in preparation for what's ahead.

As I looked out my window into the garden the other day I looked out where my beautiful roses were and all of a sudden I noticed they weren't there anymore. They were gone. I gasped aloud as I noticed they had been pruned. The gardener had come and pruned my roses and I was so shocked. I said to myself “I can’t believe he pruned back my roses”.

Immediately the Holy Spirit spoke to me:

“Lana, many have been surprised by this moment and many have been surprised by the PRUNING that is taking place right now, but the PRUNING MUST take place for the PROMOTION that is ahead. Those that embrace the PRUNING will be PREPARED for the PROMOTION.”

Wow did that ever ring deeply in my spirit.

The Gardner has come. He has arrived and He has come suddenly and unexpectedly. What the enemy meant for harm (Genesis 50:20) God is using for good. The hand of the Lord is moving here and the Gardener has suddenly showed up to prune for the PROMOTION that’s coming. There is a great promotion coming upon the faithful and upon those who embrace this move of His Spirit. 

The Lord continued to speak "I am removing the weeds. I am weeding out the weeds.”

The Lord is removing the weeds in the garden. He is removing the weeds in the lives of His people individually and He is removing the weeds in the Church. He is removing the impurity, He is removing control, He is removing all things that would hinder and entangle all that He is doing and about to do. He is inviting us to remove the weeds with Him (Song of Songs 2:15)

This is the Isaiah 60 time. It is not just for this moment as we see the coronavirus pandemic. There will be other trials, other hardships and others battles that will come, and as the darkness covers the earth it’s the time for the Church to arise and shine. But in order for the Church to arise and shine, she must be one who lives in the place of first love. Her wholehearted devotion first and foremost is to Him and His ways.

Lana Vawser read the full prophetic message here »

Lana Vawser

Lana Vawser is first and foremost a pursuer of God's heart, and secondly a prophetic voice to the nations. Her desire is to help people develop deep intimacy with Jesus and activate their prophetic hearing to recognize God speaking in everyday life. Lana is driven by a vision to see people set free and walking in the abundant life that Jesus purchased for them. She is an itinerant preacher and prophetic revivalist who gets to participate in powerful moves of God throughout the nations. Lana is married to Kevin and they live in Adelaide, South Australia, with their three sons.


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