Quarantine Prophecy #1: This is a Time for Revival in the Church


I sit here in my office and the whole world has been placed on pause.

Here I sit as the news loudly reports on the Coronavirus and how it has spread, the damage that it has caused and the scrambling to bring protection to people of the world from this virus. Nations are on lockdown. State borders are closed. People have died. People are sick. People are fearful. People are losing and have lost their jobs. The future seems uncertain. The questions resound loudly in hearts and out of people’s mouths “When will this end?”, “Will life ever go back to normal?”, “What will the ramifications of this be in the earth?”.

I remember sitting with the Lord when this Coronavirus began to spread into the nations. I sat in my favorite corner of the lounge looking out at my beautiful garden with a hot coffee in hand and seeking the Lord’s heart for what He was saying amidst the ‘noise’ bombarding the airwaves. That’s when I heard His whisper:

“Lana, I am inviting My people back to the garden with Me. It’s a SELAH moment.”

Immediately I knew what the Lord was inviting us into. The garden speaks to me of intimacy. It speaks to me of communing with Him and walking with Him in the cool of the day. (Genesis 3:8)  I thought of the word SELAH and its meaning, the invitation to PAUSE and to REFLECT. I continued to seek His heart and He whispered again:

“There is fire in the garden. I am inviting My people into the garden to be ALIGNED, REFINED and PURIFIED.”

I received those words for my own life and heard my heart crying out to Him “Lord, I embrace your fire! Holy Spirit do whatever you have to do in me to align me, refine me and purify me in greater ways.” The sense then surrounded me so strongly that this was a very significant moment of preparation and what struck me so strongly was what the Lord spoke next.

“Lana, the encounters and lessons learned in this moment with Me for My people are going to be things that they carry into this new era.”

We are here in what is a ‘forced’ lockdown across the earth but I feel the hand of the Lord. What I am writing here is not just for this moment in the earth where we are at now, historically, seeing the coronavirus spread, I believe the Lord is bringing the Church into a depth in Him that we have never been in before.

Right now we are being led into a place of surrender that’s deeper than we have faced before. Churches are closed. Services are cancelled. Conferences are cancelled.

“Life” as normal is no longer “life as normal”.

So right now friend, I believe the Holy Spirit is inviting us into a place in the garden with Him to lay ourselves down again. There is a call right now upon the Church as a whole and upon us as individuals to lay ourselves down again.

We are in a moment of FRESH SURRENDER. I hear Romans 12:1-2 resounding loudly:

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

This SELAH invitation to pause and reflect right now, to rewrite in other language is this.

“God is inviting you and I into the place of deep surrender where we place everything on the altar again and allow His fire to fall and consume that which needs to be consumed and to strengthen and refine that which will remain.”I find it interesting that the word ‘corona’ means ‘crown’. (Google) The Lord is dealing with pride as you will hear me say a few times and the King of Glory is going to take His place.

For the last few weeks I have been hearing the Matt Redman song “We fall down”, I believe this is a song for the hour that describes the invitation being placed before us:

We fall down / We lay our crowns / At the feet of Jesus

The greatness of / Mercy and love /At the feet of Jesus

And we cry holy holy holy / And we cry holy holy holy

And we cry holy holy holy / Is the Lamb

(Lyrics from genius.com)

There is a call right now to lay down our crowns before the feet of Jesus. King Jesus is going to be exalted!!!

I feel the love of God so strongly for His people right now. He is calling us higher. He is calling us into our place of authority and positioning for this new era. This is the love of God that is giving us room to respond to Him and position ourselves for what is to come.

Lana Vawser

Read the full prophetic message here »

Lana Vawser

Lana Vawser is first and foremost a pursuer of God's heart, and secondly a prophetic voice to the nations. Her desire is to help people develop deep intimacy with Jesus and activate their prophetic hearing to recognize God speaking in everyday life. Lana is driven by a vision to see people set free and walking in the abundant life that Jesus purchased for them. She is an itinerant preacher and prophetic revivalist who gets to participate in powerful moves of God throughout the nations. Lana is married to Kevin and they live in Adelaide, South Australia, with their three sons.


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