Take God's Antidote for Fear!

With the world in chaos, are you feeling afraid? Get into God's presence & take His antidote for fear!

Carol Arnott has helped thousands of believers to wait upon the Lord and soak in God’s Presence—for His love, healing and hearing His voice. And it’s the perfect antidote to fear!

“Be still, and know that I am God” In the journey of faith, there are times for work and times for rest. While it’s true that breakthrough sometimes comes through discipline, many times God invites us to simply rest in His presence so that He can accomplish His work in us.

Carol Arnott teaches you to…

  • Practice soaking as a powerful form of prayer

  • Develop a consistent lifestyle of abiding in Jesus’ presence

  • Access the healing power of the Spirit

  • Encounter the Father’s love in radical new ways

To her credit, Carol has already taught thousands the power of soaking prayer, both personal and corporate. Testimonies have followed!

Today we need God to heal our land…Carol reminds us it is God’s nature to do amazing things. It is time to seek Him and soaking in the Spirit is powerful prayer!

Carol Arnott, and her husband John, are the founding pastors of Catch the Fire—formerly known as the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship—and overseers of the Partners in Harvest Network of Churches. 


The Courts of Heaven for Beginners


Raise the Shield! Wield the Sword! A Corporate Call to Pray and Fast