The I AM is With You


It’s impossible to disappear from you or to ask the darkness to hide me, for your presence is everywhere, bringing light into my night. There is no such thing as darkness with you. The night, to you, is as bright as the day; there’s no difference between the two (Psalm 139:11-12 TPT).

I was shown the truth concerning Jesus being known as the great I AM. In an encounter with Jesus, I was shown the throne room and saw that the Trinity existed and met in order to plan the creation of our known universe before time was instituted on planet Earth. Each one of us was thought of by God in the timeless realm that the Trinity lives in continually.

When the heavenly Father thought of each individual person, He then had a personal book written about them and breathed their spirit out and sent them to their mother’s womb. I saw that it is a person’s free will to choose not to serve God and not follow what was written about them in Heaven. I saw that every person was also sent an angel to expedite and implement what was written about them if the person were to cooperate with God’s perfect will.

I saw that to the degree to which the individual person operated through faith and obedience, according to what was given to them by God, that was how much they were rewarded and experienced the perfect will of God. Every person is given the ability to fulfill the perfect will of God through the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the angels. There is more than enough help for an individual to be a partaker of the divine nature through the promises that God has given to every man (see 2 Pet. 1:1-4).

I was given the understanding that we are judged by what was written by God beforehand, with all of the abilities that were given to us as gifts, and not by what we do in our own endeavors. When we stand before God, we have to give an account for what we did with what we were given. There are no rewards for disobedience or selfish endeavors. That is why it is so important as a Christian to know the will of God and to do it with all of your heart. I stood in the very place that I was created and gave an account of my life before Jesus. I saw that I was only operating in about 35 percent of what I could have. I immediately realized that I was not in full obedience or operating in the understanding of the true ways of my Father, God. It was a very humbling time for me because I realized that it was my responsibility to know the will of God and to bring it to fulfillment.

In this encounter with Jesus, it was clear to me that the very spot where God thought of me and breathed my spirit out into my mother’s womb was also the spot where I stood before Him and was judged for what I had done in the flesh. I was standing before the great I AM. In this timeless realm that I stood in with Jesus, I saw that where I began is where I ended up. I gave an account to God of my earthly life, and no time had elapsed. God is not bound by time and distance like we are on this earth, and He wants to help us to fulfill His perfect will.

I AM Is with You

The power of God is ministering to people about the idea that our God, the I AM, is with us. God Himself is known as the I AM, and Jesus even referred to I AM in His ministry. I am going to share with you what it means to be associated with someone who is in the center of the universe and center of creation—the center of everything that is in existence. God is the origin of everything we see because He created everything. Psalm 139:11-12 is a divine passage of Scripture, and I am excited about this revelation that comes from the Word of God.

You will have to make adjustments within yourself to receive from the Lord in a new way. Many times we think we understand something, especially the Word of God, and then find out that we have been taught wrong or that we misinterpreted what was said. What I have found about Jesus is that it is just as important to understand the intent of what God is saying as it is to hear the actual words He has spoken. If God’s purposes are not known, then we do not know His personality. People who love God want to know His heart, and I have found that God has a passionate heart.

God is very intentional every time Jesus speaks or appears to someone, and He has a purpose for all of the things that are being done on the earth through the Spirit of God. It is all in the intention of God, the planning of God, and His foreknowledge. We do not know everything about God. We can read about Him and we can experience Him, but we do not know God as we should. When I met Jesus, I realized this so clearly. I realized that I did not have the understanding that I needed, and I did not want to come back because I realized it was going to take a long time to get to know Jesus as intimately as I should.

Can you imagine? I am in Heaven, I am not in my body anymore, and I do not have the limitations that I had before. Now, all of a sudden, I realize that I am going to need at least the first thousand years of the millennial reign to get to know Jesus more intimately! Why? Because there is so much to have and there is so much to know about God the Father and Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is just no way to get to know Him as intimately as we think. I know that is hard to understand, and even in the time that I spent with Him, I got to know Him better. However, there are still so many questions that I had about His personality.

I gathered some things about Jesus and His personality by spending time with Him, and I found out that He has a revelation of what it is like to be pre-existing. What I mean by that is that before the world was formed, I AM was there. In John 17, Jesus prayed that you would see and know what He knows. He said that the same love that the Father has for Him He has for you and that you would experience it and have the revelation of the glory that Jesus shared with the Father.

These things were in existence even while He was walking on the earth. He was pre-existent. He experienced the Father and was at the right hand of God. Then He came into Mary’s womb and then through Mary and Joseph He grew up and walked this earth as a Son of God. He was given a body, but He did not originate from this realm. He originated from Heaven and was pre-existent. I AM means that He is the center of all existence; it is the center of understanding to have the revelation that God Himself is with you because He loves you.

God has the ability to do anything. There is no limitation; anything that you ask Him does not take Him by surprise and you cannot shut Him down, and you cannot break Him. He is going to have more than enough. He is the God who is the I AM. The psalmist is saying in Psalm 139:11 that it is impossible for anyone to disappear from God. You know you cannot hide from Him. You cannot have darkness hide you. To God, there is no darkness; you have to understand that He can see everything. God is full of light, and you cannot hide from Him.

He created man to be on this earth and to rule and reign with Him. When man fell, God lost His family; He lost His creation to the devil. The light of God is so bright in Heaven that you do not need the sun. There was no sun when I was in Heaven. It was the light of God; it illuminates all of Heaven. God does not have any darkness within Himself, and He does not have any to give out. There is no evil in Heaven and there is no darkness. It is a beautiful place that is all light and there can never be darkness.

The Spiritual Parallel

Two things must happen here. There is physical darkness and there is physical light, and then there is spiritual darkness and spiritual light. However, I saw in Heaven that both the darkness and the light used to be together both spiritually and physically and that they are now separated because this whole world fell. When this world fell, and we fell, then we could still see the physical part of it, but it was not that way before. There is a parallel in the spirit that looks just like this and the spirit realm is the real realm. Thus, the actual light of God is not physical light. It is the light of Heaven, which is spiritual; it is so bright and has substance to it. Everything in Heaven has substance to it. To God, the difference between the two is indistinguishable. In Psalm 139:11-12, it says that even darkness is light to God because He sees through everything. It is all lit up to God and He does not have limitations.

What I want to focus on is the fact that when the Spirit of the Lord comes, He illuminates. He is like a spotlight that reveals things that you did not see just a moment ago. When the Holy Spirit comes, which is very important in this life, He is the Light who lights your path. You have a path that is lit up, and the Holy Spirit is the One who illuminates it. The Holy Spirit lights your path because He wants you to know things and to see things.

Even though we have physical eyes and physical ears, we should not just focus on the physical realm. It is not just about how much you see and hear on earth. It is about developing your spiritual eyesight and spiritual hearing so that you can see into the spirit realm—which is the real realm. It is here that the I AM lives. I AM is here in this realm even though you cannot see Him. He is in the spirit realm, which is parallel; it is just as real as this earthly realm. When God shows up by His Spirit, I AM is showing up in the spirit realm. You may not see Him with your physical eyes, but you can see Him in the spirit. The spirit realm will open up to you as you increase your exposure to the Word of God and the truth that is in the Word that comes by the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit can take the truth and illuminate it to you; it is all about revelation. And God, in His great infinite power, made everything out of nothing.

By faith [that is, with an inherent trust and enduring confidence in the power, wisdom and goodness of God] we understand that the worlds (universe, ages) were framed and created [formed, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose] by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible (Hebrews 11:3 AMP).

This mystery of the pre-existent I AM is further revealed in Colossians:

For through the Son everything was created, both in the heavenly realm and on the earth, all that is seen and all that is unseen. Every seat of power, a realm of government, principality, and authority—it was all created through him and for his purpose! (Colossians 1:16 TPT)

If God comes to visit you, you must allow Him to be in your life through the Spirit of God in your spirit. The born-again experience is how this begins. Then, by walking in the fear of the Lord and feeding your spiritual life every day, the great I AM will begin to shift your reality because He gets closer to you.

You may be saying, “Well, you know I am born again. I am a Christian, and God is close.” Yes, but your revelation of your relationship with God grows daily. You do not know somebody entirely in just a short amount of time. To know someone well, you have to learn by being around them. It is the same way with God. You have to let the Holy Spirit and the Word of God work on you. The closeness that you experience is due to the fact that you have opened yourself up to the spirit realm.

It is no longer just the physical realm. It is the spiritual realm that is opening up to you. You are responsible for feeding your spirit man with food from Heaven, which is the Word of God. The pages of God’s Word have to come alive and go into your spirit and become the food that helps you grow. The Word of God is the absolute truth. This is what I do. I feed myself on smaller portions of the Word of God. I study certain subjects and get the Scriptures together, and then I study them to get an overall view of a particular topic with plenty of scriptural support. If I know that something is true, but I cannot find enough scriptural support for it, then I just let it go. I focus on those things that I know have plenty of scriptural support. When we do that, we grow leaps and bounds. I start to participate in the supernatural every day, and I know that is what you also want. I am trying to teach you how to do things in the simplest way. There is a spirit realm, so you need to feed yourself from that realm, but you also must sow into that realm. It takes discipline to make your body and your mind align with your spirit. Because you are a spirit first, that part of you wants to participate in the supernatural. Your spirit man knows that it is “rigged in your favor,” but your mind will try to logically reason out these truths. Your soul, which is your mind, will, and emotions, will try to talk you out of the supernatural and then your body cannot participate in it either.

Your body wants to talk you out of any spiritual activity and will act up by seeking attention. You may have your mind and your body acting up when there is a spiritual experience about to happen. For example, every time you pick your Bible up to read it or you start to pray in the spirit, asking God for help, you may encounter resistance. If there is resistance, a spiritual encounter is coming your way.

Heavenly Seasons and Cycles

If you have revelation of the Word of God, you will have an encounter or a visitation where God visits you by His Spirit or by Jesus appearing or even by angelic visitation. First you receive revelation, and then visitation, which leads to habitation. And habitation is where God stays, and it is constant. It is habitation when it is no longer a visit, but rather it is continual. That is the way it should be for every Christian, but unfortunately it is not that way for many reasons.

One reason is that we do not discern that God is the great I AM. He is the center of everything, which means that it all started with Him and it will all end with Him. This truth is not the thought process that we have in this culture. If you look at the way we think, it’s based in Greek thought. Greek culture has influenced us. We have a timeline, which is the way the Greeks thought. In other words, in history, the Greeks had hash marks or reference points to record history. You have a calendar and you chart out different events. There are holidays and other reference points. There is a 24-hour day and 365 days for a year. Greek thought differs from God’s way and from the Hebraic way of thinking, which is all seasonal and cyclical.

In the spirit realm, I saw that the point where something started was also where it finished. When God was sitting on His throne, He thought of you and He breathed you into your mother’s womb. Then you became a living soul, and your body was formed in the womb. You were born, you grew up, and then at the end of your life you will pass away.

What happens is that your spirit returns to the place where you were born, the place where you were first thought of by God. Ultimately, you stand before God and give an account for your life, and that is the way it is. You give an account and then God determines where you go for all eternity. It is incredible to me how we do not have this kind of thinking. It is a shock to many people when they get to Heaven because they did not understand the ways of God.

God, in the I AM realm, is the one who starts everything and then He is the one who finishes everything. He does not even have to get off His throne because you come to Him. You were breathed out of Him into your mother’s womb and you come back around. At the end of your life, you appear before Him and He has not even had to get off His throne. He does not even have to stand up because everything starts with God and everything ends with God. This is important because when light goes out from God, it comes back to Him. When God sends out His Word, it always comes back with the desired result.

So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it (Isaiah 55:11 AMPC).

God is not bound by anything except His Word. He loves humanity and the heavenly Father expressed that love by sending Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice. He decides something in His heart and then He speaks it, which in turn becomes law. What God has done is spoken you into existence and wrote a book about you. He sends you into your mother’s womb and waits for His Word to be performed. He has written about your life in a book in Heaven and that book is looked at by the angels who come down and enforce it (see Ps. 139:16).

You can choose to enjoy this life, or you can dread and hate it—it’s up to you. You can choose blessings, or you can choose curses. You have to decide which one you are going to do. You can yield to joy and be obedient to what God has spoken to you. You can seek God and find out that He is the great I AM. Alternatively, you can ignore your spiritual life, make bad decisions, and you do your own thing. Either way, at the end of your life you are going to have to give an account of what you did with what you were given.

Discerning God’s Gifts

It is incredible to me that when I was with Jesus, I saw that I received so much that I had not discerned previously. I discovered that I had not done what I should have with what He had given me even though I had rewards and I was going to Heaven, and even though Jesus congratulated me and told me that I had been faithful. I saw that God had given me a gift and I did not appreciate it, and I did not discern it. So, I am back again, talking to you because God has shown me that He does not have the limitations we have. If you ask Him, He is going to show you favor and He is going to perform miracles for you. You can live this life out victoriously!

You must remember that darkness to God is as light. Rules do not bind Him, and He is not bound by darkness. Psalm 139:11-12 is talking about the fact that that there is no darkness with Him. If it is dark down here on the earth and if you are going through a dark period of your life to where you are struggling, God is not worried. He is not going to leave you. He is going to enter your life, and when He comes there is going to be a bright light. There is going to be light shining into the darkness. There is going to be light that expels the darkness. It is going to happen in your life as you begin to listen to what I am saying, as there is a transfer of the impartation to you that I received from Heaven.

When God comes to you and visits you, and when you read the Word of God, it illuminates your path. The psalmist said, “Thy word is a lamp under my feet and a light to my path” (see Ps. 119:105). That is what we encounter when we seek God. I know you need help, because everyone needs help. Everyone wants to know what God has for them. If you are a Christian, it is natural that you want to know what God is saying and what He has planned for you.

The most important thing is hearing God’s voice. He is not soft-spoken; His voice is loud and clear. You may be encountering warfare and other demonic voices that are more evident to you. It is not that God is quiet, it is just that you have to shut out all the voices of the world. You have to set yourself apart, and that’s when you will start to hear from God. You have to fine-tune yourself by studying, meditating, and partaking of the Word of God and by letting it get into your spirit. The Word is like bread from Heaven. When you eat of the Word, it builds you up, encourages you, and causes you to be a spiritual giant. And that is what is going to happen. You grow to the point where the devil cannot handle you anymore and the demons will leave you alone. They will get to the place where it is counterproductive for them to waste their time with you because you know who you are. You are a child of God and He is the great I AM. He is the finisher of your faith, not just the starter.

Humble yourself and realize that God is speaking loudly. It is the fact that you have so many other voices in your life that you need to start tuning out and focus on the voice of God alone. I will tell you what it sounds like—it sounds like the Word of God and it feels like the Spirit of God. There is a spiritual sense of fire and power in the Spirit of God. That is how the Word of God also feels; when you read it, it’s fire. You can also hear God’s voice in the Word of God because it is the framework of what God has already said.

When the fire of the Spirit and the Word of God mix, you hear God’s voice, and it is more precise. When God speaks to you, He is going to speak to you in a familiar way just as the Scriptures are written. When the presence of God comes into your life, you sense Him spiritually and you feel the fire, and there is encouragement. When you sense His presence and His fire, you will know that you are on the right track.

I feel the fire and I know that God is with me and that He is in what I am doing. The Word of God is useful for teaching and doctrine to develop your faith in believing the right things. The Word will correct the wrong ideas and it will give strength in those things which are true. When God comes in and begins to shift your world—because He is the great I AM—you start to realize that God is the central figure in your life and you recognize that there is no appeal beyond Him. Whatever you need in this life, you can go to Him and know that He is the ultimate authority. There is no one else you can appeal to; I AM is your final appeal. You can go to the Father in Jesus’ name and say, “Father, this is what I want.”

There are demon spirits that want your attention and they will rile up the flesh and cause your body to want attention. They will rile up your soul so that your mind, your will, and your emotions go haywire. There will be all kinds of drama in your life, and the whole time its demons instigating it through the flesh and your soul. Your spirit is connected to God’s Spirit, the great I AM. There is a stability in your heart and in your spirit that will cause you to “know that you know” your position in God.

You will know your position in God and be encouraged in your spirit. However, you must tell your soul what it believes. You have to tell your body what it is going to do. It will not just do it on its own. Your mind will not think the right thoughts on its own. If it is left to its own, it will go toward the way that it wants to go, which is usually the wrong way. To educate your soul by discipline, you teach your body by training it not to go astray. You say, “We are not going to do this,” and then you tell your soul, “We are not going to think this; we are not going to feel this.”

Encourage yourself in the Lord and know that God has written individual plans for you in advance. God has no problems with accomplishing miracles. There is a miracle flow coming from Heaven right now and God is moving by His Spirit in your life. You need to receive, right now, in the name of Jesus.

Kevin Zadai 

Kevin Zadai

Kevin Zadai, ThD is dedicated to training Christians to live and operate in two realms at once—the supernatural and the natural. Called to ministry at age 10, he attended Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri where he received a bachelor degree in theology. Later, Kevin received training in Missions at Rhema Bible College. At age 31, during a routine surgery, he found himself on the ‘other side of the veil’ with Jesus in a heavenly visitation that forever marked his life. This encounter ushered his ministry into new dimensions of power, activation and impartation. Kevin is retired after being employed by Southwest Airlines for 29 years; he and his wife, Kathi, reside in New Orleans, Louisiana and are ordained by Dr. Jesse and Dr. Cathy Duplantis.


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