Coronavirus and What the Bible Says

I want to share with you for just a moment about the coronavirus. This topic has been on the news nonstop, and many people are filled with fear and panic. But I want to remind you today that fear and panic is never the answer. Reacting in panic to any situation is never an effective response. God has given you a sound mind, not a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7)!

I want to encourage you to, of course, use your head and listen to what health officials have to say — but most of all, I urge you to lean on the amazing promises found in Psalm 91.Psalm 91:9 and 10 says, “Because thou hast made the Lord…even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” This passage says that if you make the Lord your habitation, no evil will befall you, neither will any plague come near your dwelling.

Also, the apostle Peter wrote in the New Testament that we are shielded by the faith and power of God (see 2 Peter 1:3,4). Friend, we have these divine promises to claim!I am personally amazed at how fast the entire world system has been shaken by the coronavirus. But it also makes me rejoice in the fact that God’s Kingdom is the most stable Kingdom and system on the planet! As sons and daughters of God, you and I are members of an unshakable Kingdom (see Hebrews 12:28), and God’s presence and His Word are the stability of our times (see Isaiah 33:6).In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus said that those whose lives are built on the rock of God’s Word will survive any storm, but those who have built their lives on sinking sand will suffer in times of instability. But you and I have built our lives on the unmovable rock of God’s Word — and for that reason, we can be sure that solid foundation will hold us up and keep us strong even in times that are difficult.

And…if you are worried about the economy being shaken, remember that you have sown financial seed into God’s Kingdom, and God will provide for you even if the economy is shaken! What you have done for God’s Kingdom is the guarantee that you will experience divine provision in this difficult time!Remember, Jesus promised in Luke 6:38 that if you give, it will come back to you good measurepressed down, and running over. And that promise is not affected by the world situation, because our faith is rooted in a higher Kingdom that overrides every world system (1 John 5:4,5).I just wanted to encourage you today to rebuke fear and to embrace faith. The Bible promises, “No evil will befall you, neither will any plague come near your dwelling” (Psalm 91:10). I speak that to you today. Truly, the blood of Jesus and the promise of God are your protection.

Rick Renner 

Rick Renner

Rick Renner is a prolific author of more than 30 books and a respected Bible teacher and leader in the interna­tional Christian community. Rick is the senior pastor of the Moscow Good News Church. He is also the founder of Rick Renner Ministries and Media Mir, a media outreach in the former USSR, and the host of his TV program seen around the world.


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