President Trump and the Ekklesia


The Unexpected Trump Phenomenon

The election of Donald J. Trump to the United States presidency in 2016 was an historic event, not only for our nation, but for the Body of Christ. Never before was there such engagement in the electoral process on such a wide scale. Nor was there ever as much heated debate and division among believers concerning a national election.

In addition to the multitudes of voices yelling from the sidelines on social media, many unsuspecting citizens fell prey to the liberal media’s bait selling a false narrative that dominated the news cycles even more than the actual facts. Many who found themselves lost in the sea of public opinion and media debate struggled to determine what was true and what was false.

Those who discerned the process from the unseen realm, however, saw something else. They saw a spiritual battle that was raging, far deadlier than the earthly one. The demonic forces at work behind the scenes were feeding a storm between the people of God and those who zealously opposed Him. Those who had been praying from the watchtowers of their homes and communities for years saw the anti-Christ agenda at work systematically and methodically undermining the very roots of our Judeo-Christian foundation.

These watchmen and intercessors became emboldened in their prayers and fearless in their determination to open people’s eyes to the true battle at hand. Many prophetic voices had already been warning the Church of the spiritual strongholds at work in the high places of our nation in hopes of awakening those who had lapsed to the sidelines. If there was ever any doubt of spiritual warfare and the underlying demonic agenda lurking beneath the surface of our government, the 2016 election brought things to the surface as never before.

Both front-runners, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, presented huge problems for most conservative voters. Many suggested that the only alternative was to vote for “…the lesser of two evils.” Yet, many prophetic intercessors sensed the battle was much more than just personal character or political agenda. If one were to judge only on the outward appearance by conservative standards, it would seem there was no “good” in electing Donald Trump. His personality and past record were anything but stellar, his lack of experience in political office was risky, and his visible lack of restraint and spontaneous outbursts were anything but statesmanlike. To many who were looking for godly character, not only was Donald Trump failing miserably, his reputation as a successful money-maker and savvy deal-breaker made him look like a power-driven, fortune-seeking egomaniac. To many believers, that just seemed… evil.

Hillary Clinton’s platform and persona were just as unfavorable to many conservatives. Her progressive political agenda including her support of abortion and championing of gay rights, violated core conservative values for many believers. To many, they perceived her political correctness as a façade. Her close ties to globalists and attacks on capitalism issued a clear warning to those who were feeling the sovereignty of our nation being threatened as never before. A vast majority of Christians felt her presidency would assure the downward spiral and erosion of our Christian heritage and conservative roots as a nation.

Even with these major deficiencies in both candidates, Trump still stood out to many who wanted change. Though he did not display the same polished presentation as the majority of his contenders, there seemed to be a molding and shaping taking place within Trump’s heart. Not only did he invite conservative faith leaders to speak into his campaign, he began to openly speak of faith in God as a critical factor in our country’s future. This bold declaration of God in the middle of an election cycle could have been political suicide. Yet, it ignited even greater hope among those who had been praying for a president who was willing to stand up for Christians. Trump’s willingness to declare his commitment to conservative values fueled Christian voters, and many intercessors took it as a cue from heaven.

Divided in Discernment

One of the keys to effective intercession is having clear and accurate discernment. We are instructed to fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen (see 2 Corinthians 4:18). Our charge is to look beyond temporal indicators and look from heaven’s perspective in order to gain eternity’s purpose. This takes a determination to not make hasty judgments based in the natural, but to look deeper into the spirit.

Even though many in the Church were stirred to prayer during the electoral process, it revealed a Church that was greatly divided in their discernment. It was most apparent when trying to figure out this man’s character, motives, and fitness for office. Where some based their judgment on his outward behavior and personal history, others focused on his prophetic potential. Where many deemed him unholy and unfit, others saw a broken vessel that was primed and ready to be used by God.

For those who looked past Trump’s spontaneous rants and impulsive tweets and searched deeper to his underlying motives, something else seemed to be moving him. Something else was driving him and giving him a bold and fearless demeanor. Here was a man who already had billions of dollars at his disposal. He already had power, prestige, and a fortune guaranteed to outlive him. Why would he leave his lavish lifestyle and continued success to seek an office with little pay, high stress, and guaranteed opposition? For those who looked beyond the outward appearance, they saw something else at work.

Though his early journey revealed the usual playboy activities and worldly pursuits of an unregenerate soul, it also revealed a thoughtful man who cared deeply for his family and his country. Even though his first two marriages ended in divorce, his marriage to Melania seemed to mark a turning point for Donald Trump. Not only did he make some life-changing decisions regarding his marriage and his faith, he never wavered on his commitment to his children. The fruit of his loins seemed to reveal something of the nature of his heart.

His grown children showed great admiration for their father. They were highly involved in his personal life and business ventures. And they all seemed to be healthy and stable individuals. Given the usual track record for highly driven business moguls whose children often pay a hefty price, Trump’s children were different. They were truly a family, and they all seemed to adore their dad. This spoke volumes to those who were looking for a reason to support this man with the sordid past. It seemed his history as a successful father outweighed his history as an impulsive divorcee.

Not only was Trump’s integrity as a businessman questioned, his motivation behind his leadership style was scrutinized. His party-seeking personality and love of the spotlight were labeled as narcissistic and self-centered. Yet, some considered how motivational gifts might be at work, seeing him as an exhorter by nature and prophetic in perspective (see Romans 12:6-8). This love for people was evident in his public rallies. It was face-to-face with his fans where he could motivate and inspire those who were discouraged or anxious. His optimism was contagious and stirred many to hope again. This same attitude was demonstrated even with his political rivals. Where other leaders put up walls and refused contact with the opposition, Trump flung open the door and welcomed them in. His bold interaction with potentially hostile leaders from other nations made him a force to be reckoned with, often silencing threats and accusations from those who would otherwise oppose him.

Many intercessors felt that the boldness Trump demonstrated was not just a personality trait, but a God-given zeal. His determination to face down his enemies and his persistence in accomplishing what he promised once in office, endeared him to many. Believing he was fulfilling a prophetic mandate, many saw this leader of the free world trumpeting a clear vision for the nation. Even in the midst of relentless criticism about his personal failings and questionable methods, this presidential candidate stood fast, winning him even more support from his die-hard fans.

Mercy Versus Truth

The outcome of the 2016 election brought some needed breakthroughs for conservative Christians, but it also brought some challenging barriers. On the positive side, the issue of faith in the public square finally became a worthy cause. Conservatives were increasingly unashamed in voicing their conviction about godly leadership in government and the need for faith to influence the public square. Prayer became a tangible force as believers across the Body of Christ began to engage in the political process. Seeing our core biblical values continually threatened, many evangelicals began to speak loud and clear demanding leaders with character, integrity, and accountability.

Unfortunately, this very value presented a major challenge with Donald Trump’s leadership style. For those who wanted a leader with a clean record and pastoral approach to the presidency, Trump was one of the least likely candidates. Even after his election, many believers were challenged by his style, his methods, and his language. Regardless of the obvious economic advances of his administration or delivery of campaign promises, his leadership was anything but predictable or “presidential.” The polarizing effect he had on many in the Church finally forced believers to deal with the underlying motives and priorities in their own hearts and minds.

In reality, what we face has more to do with who we are as a Church and less to do about a president. Ultimately, we are not in a war of political parties, but a war of principles and values. What we must rightly discern is the mission of the Church and the specific values we hold most dear. Until we recognize and deal with the growing gap of ideological differences and Kingdom perspectives, we will never come together as the Church toward a common goal. Until we come together on common ground, our prayers will be limited and our authority diminished.

Republican Christians need to face the reality that there are sincere Jesus followers who are still Democrats. As much as some would like to demonize the party, we must be willing to consider why it is that some believers hold fast. Reminding them of the platform and its support of abortion and gay rights has not been enough to bring us together. There must be engagement at a deeper level of conversation if we are to overcome our division and advance the Kingdom in the governmental realm.

I have observed that many who sympathize with the Democratic platform are focused on acts of compassion and social services. They value loving their neighbor, serving the poor, and aiding the disenfranchised. It is their heart of MERCY that pulls them toward those who have been victimized and it is this value that supersedes any other value or truth. Relationship is priority. For some Christians, they see the Democratic party as the champions of underdogs and saviors to the poor. Due to the party’s inclusive language and cries for social justice, mercy-focused believers embrace this narrative, placing greater value on serving the poor than on necessarily saving the womb.

For those who stand by the Republican ticket, you will hear repeatedly their call for TRUTH. They are focused on what is right, looking for the facts, and holding to Constitutional law. They look for justice because they believe that truth is freedom. Even if it means a few relationships are negatively affected, they believe any temporary cost will be for the greater good. It’s not that they lack mercy. It simply must yield to the truth in order to be meaningful.

Obviously, these are gross generalities, yet they represent some of the conflicting values among many in the Body of Christ. The heartstrings from one side are pulled by mercy and love for the victims, while others are calling for hard choices to be made for long-term benefit. Both principles of mercy and truth are biblical values, and thus one of the great divides within the Church. It is only when we as believers stand together for something greater that we will see the shift we so desperately need.

The 2012 Wake-Up Call

This need to stand together was here long before the 2016 election. Even in the 2012 election the Church was put to a test. The growing anti-Christ globalist agenda in the belly of the beast was already spreading, and yet many believers couldn’t see it. There were those who believed the acting president represented a new message for a new era, and they weren’t willing to let go of their dream for racial equality and social reform. In October 2012, a month before the election, I was given a dream that highlighted the realities we were facing and the dangers to come.

In this dream I was taken to the highest place of government. I saw the man in charge, and he exercised great power and influence. Though I couldn’t see his features, the office he stood in was veiled by shadows and he moved as a dark figure throughout this administration.

I saw that things were not working as they had hoped. The tools of their trade in this place were breaking down and their workers were not being effective in their mission. I saw that these workers were actually pawns, unaware of the underlying agenda of their leaders and the true nature of their work.

Those in charge saw that the opposition was closing in on them. They began to collect weapons along with expensive gifts to be used as bartering tools. But where the workers were told this was due to an upgrade coming to the facility, another plan was at work. There was fear and panic.

As an observer, I knew I needed to act. This dark plan was going to hurt many people. I needed to try and intervene until help could come. I had my own weapon, but it didn’t seem very powerful compared to theirs. Just as I was considering my next move, they realized their plans were exposed and did something drastic.

A type of nerve gas was released into the air. This gas affected everyone in sight and put them in a fog. This wasn’t just a smoke screen. This gas carried the power to desensitize anyone under its influence. Not only did it blind them to reality, it actually caused them to laugh—to mock—to deny reality in favor of a fantasy.

I could see that the gas was coming toward me and I tried to hold my breath to avoid it. I knew I needed to get out of this place to keep my head clear. When I finally managed to get out, I went to look for my husband who is a pastor. When we got clear, we realized that all the police who had come were now inside this high office under this fog. They, too, were being taken under by this poison!

There wasn’t any other help around. We knew we couldn’t attract the attention of the enemy, but knew we needed to GET THE OTHERS OUT into the clear air. We knew that once we got enough of them free from the effects of this toxin, we could take the enemy out together.

As I considered the spiritual ramifications of this dream, I saw a reality that could only be discerned in the unseen realm. I saw that the current president was under the influence of a spiritual force that was deadly. Those operating within the White House were being used and controlled by demonic forces, and many who were siding with them were totally unaware of the systematic national demolition occurring. Even those who believed their cause was just were being taken in by a controlling spirit. And now, the principalities at work in the high places of our government were squirming because of the rising resistance. It was the prayers of the saints.

The fog released in the dream was the enemy’s counterattack to this increased intercession of the Church. Just like nerve gas is sent to constrict and immobilize its victims, the spiritual adversary released a spirit of deception across the land. This demonic toxin was causing thousands of uninformed and ill-advised citizens to follow a socialist pipe dream and laugh at anyone who suggested otherwise. Just as the police in the dream were taken in by this influence, so there were many authorities in the land who would end up crippled and powerless to intervene or stop the deception that was spreading.

Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).

Not only does this describe the realities of chaos and confusion that permeate our culture, it highlights the desperate need for the Church to come together to fight a common enemy. Our battle is not against a man or a party, but a spiritual opponent who will stop at nothing to steal, kill, and destroy our national heritage and biblical foundation. In the dream, even the police couldn’t stop the madness. The earthly authorities were taken out by the same deception, reminding us that our freedom must come from another, higher authority.

It is the watchmen and interceding believers who stay clear of the toxin and keep a clear mind that will be positioned to take action and break the spell. The Church, the Ekklesia of God, is heaven’s change agent that has been called to go into those places of darkness and deception in order to set people free and see the House cleared of the poison. Rather than simply saving ourselves, our mandate is to bring truth and light where it’s needed the most—the gates of hell.

The dream also revealed something else. It revealed how few of us there are.

Knowing the spiritual battle at hand in the 2012 election, thousands of intercessors were praying for a turn-around in the White House in the months preceding the election. Seeing the growing aggression toward people of faith and the increased hostility toward conservative Christian values, many were praying that a new president would be elected, and a new message promoted. Many prayers were focused for this breakthrough.

It was just a few days before this election when I was in a time of prayer, pressing into the need for breakthrough. All the sudden, Holy Spirit stopped me with these questions, “What does the Body of Christ need MOST in order to rise up and end this enemy occupation? What outcome would assure believers taking their place in the culture as powerful change agents?”

These were questions I had never stopped to consider before. I had simply always assumed God’s plan was to change the leadership and political agenda, which so openly opposed Him and start over. I also assumed that we were ready. Certainly, it was God’s plan to end this chapter and put things in order! However, these unexpected questions struck my spirit like a punch in the gut. Immediately, I knew the answer—and it wasn’t what I expected or what I had been praying for.

I suddenly knew that there would be no changing of the guard. Any hope for a new leader or new agenda was being put on hold. The Church wasn’t ready. In an instant, I was flooded with a terror of the painful realities to come. Personal values and religious mindsets were going to be tested and tried. The unrest and increased pressure on many in the Christian community would be felt as never before. And yet, I was also overwhelmed with an incredible hope, seeing God’s ultimate purpose in mind—to prepare the Body of Christ, the rising Ekklesia.

At that point in time, the remnant who saw the brewing storm in the heavenlies was still relatively small and outnumbered. Those who were willing to step into this protracted engagement of political persuasion and governmental influence were few and far between. The harsh reality was that the Church wasn’t equipped or prepared for what heaven wanted to grant us. We weren’t unified nor did we even have a common goal. We were scattered and unorganized.

The Lord revealed that it was going to take another four years of anti-God leadership to wake up the sleeping Church and mobilize apathetic believers. Though it wasn’t His first choice, He was allowing this chain of events to unfold in order to stir His Bride—the Church—to action.

We Need a Legacy

A lot can happen in a few years. Though we don’t like to admit it, most of us are stirred to prayer and action when there’s a crisis. The years between 2012-2016 were hard and painful, not only for the nation, but especially for the Church. The globalist agenda and demonic influence that a few had seen from a distance was now manifesting in city squares and community halls, and the grassroots movement began to rise up. Not only were Christians crying out for a change, but anyone who saw past the smoke screen of political correctness went to the streets demanding new leadership. The victory of Donald J. Trump to the presidency was like a breath of fresh air to many who were suffocating from the toxins of deceptive leadership.

However, as much as many rejoiced in the breakthrough of 2016 and a Cyrus anointing at work in the White House, the critical question remains: Can we occupy the land and steward our mandate long-term, or are we still too weak, too divided, and too immature to take our place? How many national crises and divisive elections will it take to turn this nation around for good?

For those reading this in years to come, what will our descendants say about our watch? Have we prematurely celebrated entering our promised land of prophetic promises and Holy Spirit manifestations without addressing the squatting giants in the land? Do we have the courage to run into enemy territory to take down the demonic behemoths—or will we stay on the edge of our inheritance secretly hoping for heaven’s cavalry to come rescue us from the battle?

We don’t only need to turn our nation “back”; we need to disciple this nation toward maturity. We need to grow up. The cultural shifts needed and ungodly beliefs to be overturned are deep—and that’s just in the Church! This will require not only persevering faith and targeted prayer, but practical application at every level of society for years to come. If we want to see long-term transformation, it will require a coming together of generations, ethnicities, genders, and values. It will require leaders with integrity and a vision for the future. It will require a prophetic perspective of the Kingdom in order to keep the territory we so desperately want to take.

It is the “Ekklesia” of God that has been formed and empowered to be the champions of this cause. This is the translation for the word “church” that is used 114 times in the New Testament. It means “an assembly of people convened at the public place of the council for the purpose of deliberating.” It refers to believers who have been called out and set apart from the culture of the day, to sit at the city gates to rightly process and discern God’s will and purposes. It is this Ekklesia of God that has been called to demonstrate Kingdom authority and blessing to the decaying man-made systems of the world.

This shift will require an upgrade in our intercession. The spiritual warfare practices of years past will not be adequate to assure the long-term establishment of Kingdom governance on the earth. Where believers have been consistently encouraged to take up the sword to fight their battles in prayer, heaven is now extending the scepter as a means of righteous rule through intercession. Where we have heralded spiritual warriors as champions of the faith, believers need to see themselves as rulers in heavenly places, executing justice from the throne of grace as kings and priests unto the Lord. This type of prayer is not merely changing our wording or methods of intercession, it requires a shift in our thinking and posture of heart. It will require a fresh perspective on our call to rule from a Kingdom position in order to legislate the affairs of heaven on the earth.

For those with the courage to face the challenge, it’s time to put our prayers into action, become strategic in our warfare, and take our place as Kingdom leaders in this nation. As powerful as intercession is, without appropriate action and demonstration of that which we pray for, nothing will truly change. Until we have a clear mission of the Ekklesia and a viable vision for the future, we will continue to go around this mountain of indecision and division and never occupy until He comes.

Wanda Alger 

Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger is a recognized five-fold prophetic minister and a writer with Intercessors for America. She has authored numerous books and her articles have been published with Christian Post, Charisma, The Elijah List, and Spirit Fuel. She ministers with her husband, Pastor Bobby Alger, in Winchester, Virginia at Crossroads Community Church which they planted in 1998. They have three grown children.


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