Christmas According to Jesus


When Elizabeth was six months pregnant, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, a virgin who was engaged to Joseph. They were both in the family line of King David. Gabriel greeted Mary, “Rejoice, Mary, you are highly favored of God. The Lord is with you.” Mary was confused with this greeting. She didn’t know what it meant.

Gabriel said, “Do not be afraid, God has decided to use you to be a blessing to all the world. You will conceive and deliver a Son, and you must call His name Jesus. He will have great influence on the world, and He will be the Son of the Most High God. God will give your Son the throne of David, and He will rule over Israel forever.”

A Miraculous Conception

Mary replied, “How can this happen. I am a virgin, and have not known a man?”

Gabriel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, power from the Most High God will make it happen, and you’ll have a child who is the Son of God.” Gabriel continued, “Your Aunt Elizabeth has become pregnant with a child in her old age; with God, nothing is impossible.”

Mary answered. “I will be the Lord’s handmaiden. I am willing to be what the Lord wants me to be. Let it happen, as you said.”

May you yield your body to Me as Mary did. I will accomplish My purpose in your life, as I did in Mary’s life.

Mary Visits Elizabeth

Mary left her home and went to Judah to visit Zechariah and Elizabeth. She greeted Elizabeth as she entered the house; the baby leaped in Elizabeth’s womb because he knew he was in the presence of the Messiah. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and said, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the child you’ll bear. But why this honor that the mother of our Lord should visit me? As soon as I heard your voice, the baby leaped in my womb. You believed the promises of our Lord, that’s why you’ve been given this great privilege.”

Mary’s Song—The Magnificat

Mary responded to the Lord:

“You are great, my God; My spirit rejoices in You, my Savior.

You look on this lowly servant; Now all generations will call me blessed.

For You—the Mighty God—have done great things, Holy is Your name.

Your mercy extends to those who reverence You From one generation to another.

You have done mighty works by Your arm, You have cast down the proud of heart.

You have brought down mighty kings from their thrones, And You lift up the lowly.

You have filled the hungry with good things, And sent the arrogant away empty.

You have come to help Israel, Your people, And You have remembered to be merciful To Abraham and his descendants forever.”

Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months, and then returned to her home in Nazareth.

May you ever praise Me for using you, just as Mary who magnified Me in song.

My Journey on Earth Begins at My Birth

Caesar Augustus had commanded everyone to return to their hometowns to register for a census for tax purposes. This happened when Quirinius became governor of Syria in 4 BC. All went to be registered to their own city. Then Joseph left Nazareth to return to Bethlehem because he was in the royal line of David; his wife Mary was also in that line. Mary was pregnant, and the birth was imminent, so she gave birth while in Bethlehem. I was born in a stable because there was no room in any of the inns. Mary wrapped Me in strips of cloths, swaddling clothes, and laid Me in a feed trough.

Shepherds Visit Me

The same evening I was born, shepherds were in an open field watching over their sheep. Suddenly the sky lit up with an overwhelming light, and a shining angel appeared to them; the shepherds were scared out of their wits. The angel announced to them, “Don’t be frightened, I have a wonderful message for you, and for everyone else in the world. Tonight, the Deliverer—the Lord—was born in Bethlehem. You will recognize Him because He will be wrapped in swathes of cloths, and will be lying in a feed trough.”

Suddenly, the angel was joined by a gigantic angelic choir praising God, saying,

“Glory to God in the highest, peace to those who enjoy God’s good will.”

When the angelic choir returned to heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go see this baby God told us about.” When they ran to Bethlehem, they found Mary, My mother, and Me. I was lying in a manger.

After they saw Me, they went and told others the story that was told to them about Me. Those who heard it were astounded by what was told to them by the shepherds, but Mary kept all these things to herself and pondered them in her heart. Then the shepherds told everyone about Me, and people were astonished at what they heard.

May you embrace the story of the Baby and worship Me with all your heart. May you tell everyone about the Baby, and how I came to forgive their sins.

Elmer Towns 

Elmer Towns

Dr. Elmer Towns, vice president of Liberty University, college and seminary professor, dean of the School of Religion, is also the author of numerous popular and scholarly works. He is the recipient of the coveted Gold Medallion Award awarded by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association for the Book of the Year, The Names of the Holy Spirit. He and Ruth, his wife of 56 years, have three children and ten grandchildren.


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