Christians, Finances, and the End-Times


When I died in the dentist's chair, I had a powerful encounter in Heaven – a story I recount in detail in my book, Praying from the Heavenly Realms. In Heaven, I saw that all of our destinies are written down in a book in Heaven. I saw that the Holy Spirit is sent to lead every one of us into all truth. Part of this truth is exceedingly important to our victory in life, and that part of truth that is essential to victory is this fact: God wants His people to prosper. It was easy to understand how the enemy does not want the revelation of prosperity to be readily received by Christians. If His children knew the importance of prosperity, according to the way the Lord has predetermined that prosperity come forth to ensure victory for His people in life, Christians would understand the vital need to have prosperity. They would begin to grasp the extent of how they are to control the wealth of the world. The control of the wealth of the world is essential for the Kingdom of God to accomplish its task to prepare the people of the earth for the Lord’s second coming and to prepare them for the great end-time harvest of souls into God’s Kingdom. Although the Gospel is free to all who will receive it, it takes great finances to spread the Good News of Jesus in the earth. People must go, and in going there are many costs, and one of the costs is financial.

Jesus showed me that the Spirit of God would begin to lead people into prosperity if they would yield to the will of God for their life. However, the yielding requires that one possess the right motive. The motive of pursuing the wealth just to obtain wealth is a corrupt goal. Financial prosperity for the Kingdom’s sake is the goal that encompasses the right motive. Those who seek financial prosperity for the building of the Kingdom of God will reach the goal that the Lord set. However, those seeking financial wealth merely for obtaining wealth will not reach the goal that the Lord set. The Spirit of God desires to reach those without Christ in this world with the Good News of Jesus. He therefore very passionately desires to lead His people into the truth concerning supernatural finances.

When I met with Him, Jesus focused upon this truth: every Christian must permit the Holy Spirit to take the lead in his or her life. When Christians permit the Lord to freely lead them, they will definitely be led to enter into prosperity in every area of life. That prosperity will not only be prosperity that pertains to the area of money. Jesus wants every Christian to understand that He will never limit anyone; it is His desire that every Christian will fulfill his or her destiny in Him. Simply put, Jesus desires to finance this last great end-time harvest with unlimited supernatural provision from Heaven. Jesus plans to provide that unlimited supernatural provision from Heaven for anyone who can be trusted with wealth. Trusting those who will handle that wealth to support the last great revival on earth is part of the plan to prepare the earth before the Lord returns.

My personal recommendation is that every Christian learn of God’s desire to place supernatural finances into his or her hands! If a Christian can pass this money test, then he or she will be ready to become an essential part of the end-time harvest. It is my desire that every Christian who desires to be a part of God’s plan for this time on earth must take the necessary steps to become blessed with supernatural finances. Then, each Christian who seeks to become blessed with supernatural finances so that he or she can help to fund the final move of God will be eligible to join me in full participation for preparation for the end-time harvest before the return of our Lord to the earth!

Abundance in Heaven

In Heaven, I saw that there is a standard of excellence that is beyond comprehension. Because there are no needs in Heaven, every person experiences extreme joy and contentment. Wealth is abundant in the heavenly Kingdom and this is God’s character—He likes expensive things. In the beginning, God made this earth perfect, and He is now building His spiritual Kingdom on the earth. If we are to join with Him in the covenant, we must realize that God has placed in each of us a unique sphere of influence. He’s given us gifts, talents, and abilities so that we can present and implement Heaven’s solutions and strategies into the earth. Christians everywhere can join in what God is doing. You will encounter the realm of Heaven’s abundance and blessing as you work with His Kingdom to bring in the end-time harvest!Supernatural finance is the invisible realm of God’s Kingdom that has a financial system that will help every Christian to accomplish Kingdom strategies. It is time to know God’s will for your life. The Holy Spirit can give you discernment to know and understand His will. There are specific battle strategies against the enemies of God that are coming to those who seek Him. The Holy Spirit wants to share secrets with you on how to become debt free and walk in divine favor in this life.Remember that you have a supernatural advantage when you allow the Holy Spirit to give you access to the unlimited supply of Heaven’s economic system. Your journey with Him will take you into the understanding of how to engage and partner with the Holy Spirit in your finances. The ultimate goal of the Holy Spirit is for you to step right into the most significant move of God the world has ever seen!

Ask and Receive

We will receive in prayer everything we ask when God dwells with us. The act of handing over everything during visitation and allowing Him to move in and live with you will produce the highest efficiency in prayer. The Holy Spirit will honor the covenant you have with God and will not let you ask amiss. God will positively respond to your requests as you visit with Him. He loves you, and you love Him. Answered prayer makes your joy full (see John 15:11). Because you abide in Him and He abides in you, He gives you whatever you desire.

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples (John 15:7-8).

Turn to Him in the darkest hour—God is preparing you entirely so that the supernatural can occur in your life.

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to pray in the dark hours of your life? You may experience grief in situations you are facing and do not always feel like turning to God because of those feelings. However, when you are hurting and in trouble, that is the very time that you need to turn to Him. “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7). The most important thing to remember about the heavenly realm is that you must yield to that realm. When you yield to the heavenly realm, the Comforter will visit you. Prayer will become a breath of Heaven as you effectively pray by the Spirit. “But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things” (John 14:26 AMPC).

The word Comforter (Strong’s number G3875) is the Greek word parakletos (par-ak-lay-tos), which means an intercessor, consoler. Did you notice the six words that the Amplified Bible uses to describe the word Comforter? Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby.

I remember a time when the Holy Spirit clearly became my counselor concerning my retirement. I was praying in the Spirit for a couple of hours one day about a strategy for investing my money in a retirement fund. I wanted to invest wisely so that when we did retire, we would have enough finances to live on the rest of lives. All of a sudden, I had a breakthrough inside and burst forth with joy. I saw clearly before my eyes the exact amount that I would have in my retirement fund when I retired years later. I had such a victory note in my spirit when I saw the future that I stopped praying. I knew that I had broken through with the answer at that moment. I got my answer that day, but I did not retire for sixteen more years. On the day I retired I transferred all my funds for retirement out into another account. When it was all said and done the amount that I had in the account was exactly what I saw in the spirit sixteen years prior. The Holy Spirit was counseling me on my future and telling me not to be concerned. The Spirit is speaking that to you now. As you seek the Lord with all your heart, He is going to give you desires of your heart. Your heavenly Father has your future written in advance in Heaven (see Ps. 139:16).

Kevin Zadai 

Kevin Zadai

Kevin Zadai, ThD is dedicated to training Christians to live and operate in two realms at once—the supernatural and the natural. Called to ministry at age 10, he attended Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri where he received a bachelor degree in theology. Later, Kevin received training in Missions at Rhema Bible College. At age 31, during a routine surgery, he found himself on the ‘other side of the veil’ with Jesus in a heavenly visitation that forever marked his life. This encounter ushered his ministry into new dimensions of power, activation and impartation. Kevin is retired after being employed by Southwest Airlines for 29 years; he and his wife, Kathi, reside in New Orleans, Louisiana and are ordained by Dr. Jesse and Dr. Cathy Duplantis.


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