A Little Boy Healed Me of Cancer!


I was diagnosed with stage four esophageal cancer in 2008. My son wanted us to go to Bethel Healing Rooms, but at the time I wasn’t a believer and didn’t want to go. But as the diagnosis hit me and my fiancé, we decided to go.

As we entered the Healing Rooms, I had never seen a place with so much love, and I felt hope. I will never forget, I had my one son praying for me on one side, my younger son praying for me on the other side, and my fiancé praying behind me.

Suddenly a 12-year-old boy came bouncing towards me and said, “Rick Larson?” Immediately I was really mad and I thought to myself, You’ve got to be kidding me! I drive 5 ½ hours, I’m sick with cancer and I’ve got a little boy to pray for me! I need Benny Hinn; I need pastor Bill Johnson; I need somebody anointed. Is everyone out for lunch?

The next thing I knew, I felt this Presence coming over me and I remember thinking, “He’s going to knock me over!” I had written on my Healing Rooms paperwork, “Do not touch me,” but this boy, uninhibited, had come up and tapped me on the chest, and I went crashing down onto the ground under the power of God. After 45 minutes, I woke up on the carpet with a pillow under my head.

In disbelief, I was just lying there and the little boy was rubbing my chest. He said, “How are you feeling, Rick?” Looking at the boy, I said, “Do you know what? My fear is gone!” The boy shouted, “Hallelujah!” There was a lady praying with this little boy and she asked me, “Rick, how do you feel inside?” As I became aware of my body, I said, “I feel like something has happened inside!” I replied in amazement. “I can feel warmth.”

When I saw my family, I remember them saying, “Dad, you’ve got color!” I began to feel hungry and heavy. I knew then that it was done, that I was healed, and that God did something for me! I couldn’t understand how or why He did it, but I know He did it.

I went back to the doctor and when he went to take x-rays of my esophagus, he said they were having trouble with the x-ray machine. I looked at the three images and there was a beam of light coming out of the center of each of the pictures. I called my son and told him about the pictures and he began to cry. He said to me, “Dad! Those are pictures of God. His Word says that He is the Light and He was in your throat, Dad! He was probably really busy. If He had known they were taking a picture He probably would have turned around and smiled!”

Today I serve in the Bethel Healing Rooms and there is no cancer anywhere in my body. Not only that, but God healed my blood pressure completely and I can still eat fast food!

- Rick Larson, California


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