President Trump & the Jezebel Spirit

President Trump is being attacked by the Jezebel spirit in America, and you are being attacked by that very same spirit. Dr. Michael Brown shares how we defeat the ancient spirit of Jezebel.Jezebel was the most wicked woman in the Bible, seductive and determined to snuff out voices calling for repentance. In twenty-first-century America, Jezebel is not a person, but the same demonic force is driving pornography, sexual temptation, militant abortion and radical feminism even as it strives to silence prophetic voices of opposition.

Dr. Michael Brown says the spirit of Jezebel targets the church and your family. His new book, Jezebel’s War with America, helps you recognize how Jezebel operates AND defeat her. His new 3-CD set, Defeating the Spirit of Jezebel, exposes an outright assault on our families and communities without formal opposition! Dr. Brown unmasks goals to:

  • Undermine godly manhood and womanhood

  • Rob you of confidence in God

  • Silence you and steal your spiritual authority

Dr. Brown urges you to know your enemy and to stand up for your family and your nation!

Dr. Michael Brown is a Jewish believer in Jesus who holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures. He is an author, radio talk show host and founder of AskDrBrown and FIRE School of Ministry in Concord, NC.


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