Don't Miss Your Calling


One day I was asked, “Would you like to venture out and do different things in the ministry?”

I thought about it then answered, “No, not really.”

“Do you want to be on television?”


“How about holding a microphone and talking to an audience?”


“Would you like to be in front of people?”


Those were some of the questions I was asked about fifteen or sixteen years ago. And all my answers were a definite “No.” Yet today, I am doing all of those things for God.

Our coulda’s and shoulda’s are the sad parts of our lives when we realize that we coulda done this or shoulda done that. We need to toss all of those thoughts out the window so we can see what we can do—today—for God.

Have you had these thoughts go through your mind? Do I have what it takes to follow my calling? Do I feel as if the call has been taken from my life? Shake off those feelings. God’s call on your life will always remain there. The important thing is, what will you do with it? You may sit on it, you may throw it away, you may ignore it, you may talk yourself out of it, people may talk you out of it—or overwhelming circumstances and opportunities may detour you right out of the will of God. You should be very careful about the decisions you make when considering your God-given destiny.

Opportunities will come and go—and what you do with each one is what makes the difference between a so-so life and a life full of God’s amazing and abundant blessings. You must understand that it’s so very important that you follow the voice of God and do what He’s called you to do.You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people (Genesis 50:20).

“I’m a Genesis 50:20 kind of woman,” I tell people frequently. Though the enemy meant my past for evil, I took it, turned it around and made a miracle out of it. I made the devil sorry he ever did or tried to do anything to me. Once you understand that verse from the Bible, you’ll realize that God can use every situation you go through for His glory.

I’ve had many, many opportunities to overcome problems in my life. Not just the potholes and holes in the ground I’ve had to hurdle. At times, I’ve been pushed into deep, dark caves. But I couldn’t let any of those challenges destroy me. Instead, I filled them up, sealed them off, and kept going. And you can too.

But you reply, “Well, God gave me cancer.” God doesn’t give anyone cancer.

“Well, God made this person do that to me.” God doesn’t make people do things. He gave each of us free will to make our own choices.Understand that different situations will challenge us. These can be brought on by the flesh, through other people or circumstances, or simply from life in general. Stop blaming the enemy or God—we make our own decisions, which can improve our situation or sometimes make things worse.Someone may ask, “Why do children die?” Or say, “God took the child at a very young age.” But God doesn’t just “take” our children. Life and death happen—and our reaction to these events is what makes the difference.

Life happens—what we do next makes miracles happen.

I want to highlight several people in the Bible who took chilling challenges and daunting circumstances head-on and turned the situations into glory for God and success for themselves.


The first one I want to mention is David. The Bible says that David was a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22). He was also one of the greatest kings ever known. That’s what most people know about King David, which is good; but if you look at his past and what happened to him, you realize he had sin in his life from making unwise decisions and choices. He was hardly the picture of perfection.

For instance, King David usually went to battle with his men; however, one day he sent the men to war while he stayed home because he had his eye on a beautiful lady named Bathsheba. Watching her bathe from his rooftop filled him with lust. Even though he knew she was married, he enticed her into an affair with him. By the way, he was already married also.As if committing adultery wasn’t sinful enough, David arranged for her husband to be killed. When he found out that Bathsheba was pregnant, he knew the baby was his, because her husband had been away fighting in the war. So, being king, he told his commander of the army to send Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, to the front lines, where he was killed. (See 2 Samuel 11.)

Remember, this is the same man recorded in the Bible as being “a man after God’s own heart.” If you continue reading 2 Samuel, you see that David married Bathsheba. She gave birth to the baby, but the child died soon after birth. The Lord was very displeased and sent His prophet Nathan to speak to David about his actions. Nathan told David the story of a rich man taking a poor man’s only sheep. When David realized the story was about him, he repented.What happened then? God took the situation, turned it around and made a miracle out of it. David had a heart transformation. He sought the heart of God and took responsibility for his sin, which redirected him back to his calling, his God-given destiny.David needed a heart transformation. What does that mean? David wanted the heart of God. He wanted to live out God’s calling, God’s plan for his life. Before David died, he didn’t look back and say, “I coulda shoulda.” He had the heart of God. With God’s help, David fulfilled his destiny despite his mistakes of earlier years.I want the heart of God. I want to be able to love unconditionally and do anything and everything that God has called me to do. Yes, I make mistakes and I have to fall at His throne and ask for His forgiveness. But I learn from my mistakes, get back up, and keep on going.When we seek God, we will find Him. He never hides from us. When we seek God’s heart above all else, we become His children with His heart pumping love and life through us and into others.


Moses is another awesome man of God. The Bible tells us that God wanted Moses to lead the Israelites from their bondage in Egypt. After God told Moses His intent, Moses said to God, “O Lord, I’m not very good with words. I never have been, and I’m not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled” (Exodus 4:10). Whine, whine, whine. In other words, Moses said to God, “I can’t do this. You’re telling me to go and have an incredible teaching ministry but I—I—I’m slow to speak and I stutter.”

And the Word says, “Then the Lord became angry with Moses” (Exodus 4:14). Why? Because Moses replied with an excuse. Essentially, he said, “NO!” God had called him and was equipping him for that calling. In Moses’s natural mind, he didn’t think he could be used by God. He was not an eloquent speaker and he thought he would be an embarrassment to God. Of course, that was his flesh speaking. In reality, Moses didn’t want to embarrass himself. He had a poor opinion of his own abilities.God said, “Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say” (Exodus 4:11-12).And Moses responds, “Lord, please! Send anyone else.” And yet God used him in a miraculous way to lead the Israelites to freedom. In his later years, he didn’t have to say, “I coulda shoulda…”If God calls you to do something, He will equip you with what is required to complete your assignment. If you go off on your own without His agreement, He has no responsibility to help you or provide what you need. Remember, if He calls, He always equips.Twenty years ago, if someone would have told me that I’d be speaking in front of a camera, I would have said the person was crazy or a false prophet. When God called me, my reaction was not positive. I thought, I can’t do that. The world says I’m dumb, stupid, ignorant, can’t read, can’t write. I’m a different kind of learner…and was told I’d never, ever be used of God. That is what I believed for the majority of my life.I could easily have said, “God, I can’t,” but I was reminded by the verse in the Word of God that “I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).

John Mark

Let’s move on to the story about John Mark in Acts chapters 12–15. John Mark went out on the mission field with Barnabas and Paul. When they reached Pamphylia, John Mark returned to Jerusalem. The Bible doesn’t give us a reason. Perhaps he was homesick. Maybe he became ill, as many did. When he went out into the field, perhaps he realized it was a little harder than he thought it would be. When some people branch out into ministry, they quit when obstacles arise.Little signs are posted in my house and in my office that say, “Never, never, never, never give up. Go under, go over, go through, but never give up.” I’m a no-matter-what kind of a woman, and God has really used that trait for His purposes.

John Mark quit; however, he later went on other mission trips with Barnabas. He even wrote the Gospel of Mark. But I wonder what would have been written about him if he had completed that initial mission trip with Paul. Perhaps even more wonderful things would have occurred. Do you think he might have thought, I coulda shoulda?

The Samaritan Woman

The Bible story in John 4 tells us about the Samaritan woman at the well. As Jesus was traveling through Samaria, He arrived at Jacob’s well around noontime. Soon this woman shows up to draw water. Jesus started a conversation that would change her life forever.Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.” She was surprised since Jesus was a Jew. The Jewish people usually avoided the Samaritans. Then Jesus continued, “If you only knew who I am and the gift God has for you, you would ask Me for living water.” When the woman asks Him about the living water, Jesus explained that His water takes away all thirst and becomes a spring within. And she begs for some of that living water.

Scripture goes on to tell us that Jesus spoke to her for a while, telling her the things she had done in her past. He mentioned the men she had slept with out of wedlock. And when He told her He was the Messiah, she believed. Not only did she believe, she ran and told everyone in her village about Him, saying, “He told me all that I ever did.” And many others believed too.The point of the story is that this woman had lived a sinful life. In spite of her colorful past, Jesus loved her and was able to use her. She could have said that God couldn’t use her because of her past. Instead, she believed, and God used her in a mighty way. This woman didn’t have to say, “I coulda shoulda,” because she did!

Understand this: God loves to forgive when we truly repent. And once we repent, God can use us in mighty ways.


We can’t forget about a beautiful lady named Esther. She was a Jewish orphan who was raised by her cousin Mordecai. Yet despite her childhood, she was able to save the Jewish people from certain death.

Esther’s story begins with King Xerxes becoming upset with his wife, Queen Vashti, and banishing her from his presence. He then began looking for another wife. Esther was one of the beautiful young virgins who were brought to the king, and he chose her as his new queen.Although she was the queen, it was against the law for Esther to enter the king’s presence without him asking for her. She couldn’t say, “Honey, can we snuggle?” Esther couldn’t even sleep in the same room with the king, even though they were married. In fact, it was sure death to appear in the king’s inner court without an invitation, unless the king held out his scepter.But one day a situation arose where the king’s prime minister, Haman, convinced the king to let him kill all the Jews. When Esther’s cousin, Mordecai, heard the decree, he tore his clothes, fasted, wept, and put on burlap—clothes of mourning—and went out into the city, crying with a loud wail (Esther 4:1).Esther heard what had happened and she found out the details. Because she knew she had to save her people, she planned a dangerous mission. She had Mordecai gather all the Jews of Susa to fast and pray for her success. Then she prepared herself to have one night with the king that would change history.

Knowing that seeing the king without being summoned could mean her very life, she remained determined to forge ahead with her plan. Mordecai told her that she may have been placed on earth for just such a time as this (Esther 4:14). Indeed, God had her positioned in the right place at the right time to save the Jewish people.It’s so amazing how God used Esther. I know when she looked back on her life, she didn’t think, I coulda shoulda—because she did what God called her to do, no matter the danger she faced.


Now we come to Paul. I love Paul and how God used him. Paul (originally known as Saul of Tarsus) was a devout Jew who had persecuted and killed many Christians. One day he met Jesus on the road to Damascus, and his life was forever changed.Although Paul was changed once he met Jesus, the Christians still feared him and his reputation. It took a while to convince them that Paul was now on the Lord’s side. The Book of Acts tells us about the persecution, beatings, stonings, and problems Paul ran into when sharing his story about Jesus with others. Paul had to choose to step out of his comfort zone in order to be an effective follower of Christ (Acts 9:1-31).The Bible never records that Paul was scared; but being human, I suspect he felt a little afraid now and then. He knew Christians were being persecuted and slaughtered. He had given the orders himself to condemn people until Jesus changed his life. Now that he was among the Christian community, he had to realize the government could now pursue and kill him. With the government on one side and the nervous Christians on the other, Paul was in a precarious position.Yet, Paul knew he was an apostle called by God. God took this man with a horrible, murderous past and used him in such amazing ways to further His Kingdom. We can be healed, set free, and called of God; but when we pray for other people, we can be overwhelmed when we realize we are outside our comfort zone. Paul found strength and courage in Jesus. We can do the same.

Despite the many people who hurt Paul, including some in the church and the government, Paul didn’t look back on his life and say, “I coulda shoulda.” Instead, he did it! He did what God called him to do in life—and we continue to see lives changed centuries later because of Paul’s God-inspired writings.

You’ve read about David, Moses, John Mark, Paul, the woman at the well, and Esther— a variety of people who were willing to sacrifice their lives to be used by God. Are you willing to sacrifice your life so God can use you? Are you willing to give up everything for Him to step into the next phase of your life?


Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means “rock”), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it (Matthew 16:18).

Here comes the apostle Peter, known as “The Rock.” God said, “Upon this rock I’ll build My church.” What a strong man of great faith, right? Well, no.When Jesus was arrested, a servant girl said to Peter, “You’re one of those who followed Jesus.”“No, not me,” Peter quickly said.Later another servant saw him and said, “This man was with Jesus.”“Uh-uh, no way, I don’t even know Him,” he claimed.

And if that wasn’t enough, Peter denied Jesus a third time just before he heard a rooster crow. Then he remembered Jesus telling him, “You’ll deny me three times before the rooster crows,” and Peter’s heart broke. (See Matthew 26:30-35; 69-75.)But what did God do? Even though Peter denied Jesus three times, God still used him to build His church. Do you think Peter looked back and said, “I coulda shoulda…”? No, because God forgave him and then used him mightily.We can deny Christ in the work place. We can deny Christ to our neighborhood. And we can deny Christ to our family. But once we repent for that, God says, “I’m going to raise you up and use you in a mighty way.”


Another of my favorites is Gideon. An angel of the Lord came to him and said, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!” And Gideon looks around, “Who me? My tribe’s the weakest and I’m the least in my tribe. Oh, my Lord, how can I save Israel?” And God gave him a plan. (See Judges 6:11-16 NKJV.)Think about that. Do you wonder if Gideon thought, Is God a liar? Is God trying to tempt me? Is God telling me to do something knowing I’ll fail? No, God’s not like that. He doesn’t see our past, He sees our future. He sees our present, but He wants our present to turn around. When you understand the call of God on your life, even if you feel like a Gideon, God will use you in a mighty way. I know Gideon didn’t review his life and say, “I coulda shoulda….”

Aimee Semple McPherson

A modern-day woman I really like and admire is Aimee Semple McPherson. I thank God for her for so many reasons. Do you know that before Aimee, women in the church weren’t allowed to cut their hair or wear makeup? She opened that door for us. She’s now deceased, but Aimee was an awesome woman of God with an extremely strong call of God on her life. Aimee was called to tell the world about Jesus, and she traveled as much as possible. Aimee was both widowed and divorced. She was kicked out of the church—because she was divorced and because she was a woman who wanted to minister to the people who needed to hear about Jesus.What would you do if something like that happened to you? Would you quit following your calling, thinking, “Well, they won’t let me minister here because I’m a woman. They won’t let me minister there because I’m divorced.” What’s your excuse?

I imagine Aimee thought, I’m not going to sit here and do nothing. I’ll begin my own denomination. She didn’t give up in failure. Instead, she started the Foursquare Gospel Church, which, at this point, is the largest growing denomination in the world today. How awesome is that? This church came about because of one woman’s persecution. Man told her she couldn’t. But God said, “Yes, you can. With Me, you can do anything.”


How can I, Joan Hunter, travel the world? God gave me a plan.How can you do what He’s called you to do? God will give you His plan specifically designed for you.

Many years ago, I worked at a car dealership which was and is an amazing company in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me. At the time, I had low self-esteem. I couldn’t do anything because I had been told repeatedly that I’d never be able to hold a job. But I not only got the job, I learned a lot and received the highest awards and accolades available in the company. I served there for ten years.The dealership also offered body work services, and one day I asked, “May I have a rearview mirror?” There were lots of mirrors in the body shop, so the answer was, “Sure.” Every car has to have a rearview mirror. It is a safety device.However, when driving down the road, if you are constantly looking in the rearview mirror, you will run into something in front of you. That mirror is for glancing into occasionally while driving forward into your future.

Oftentimes, though, people concentrate on their past instead of focusing on their future. They continually live in the past, thinking of all the times they let God down. They think about the coulda’s and shoulda’s of their lives and how they’ve denied Christ and backslid into sin. They falsely believe there is no way God would ever use them.

Be assured, there is nothing wrong with thinking about your past and learning from it, but God wants you to focus on your future. Choose your path for tomorrow. Put God’s will in front of you as your goal for life.I look back on my life and say, “I’m so not the same person I used to be.” I look at my future and think, “I’m a woman after God’s own heart. May He use me for His purposes.”Every person must choose to rise up and meet the call of God on their life. God must get very tired of hearing His children’s whining and excuses.How does a mother feel when she tells her children, “Make your beds,” and they just keep on playing? Every mother can relate to this scenario. “I love your eyes, Mommy,” one child might say to distract mother’s frustration. Or something else catches their attention and the beds remain unmade. Another may say, “I’ll go make you some breakfast,” or they bring her a flower and a kiss—but they still haven’t made their beds.God wants us to start off our day speaking to Him and asking for His guidance, the same way some of us automatically make the bed when we get up in the morning. He wants us to wake up in the morning with an attitude of obedience ready to follow His instructions for the day.

Wake up with an attitude of obedience.

God uses me in an incredible way in services around the world. But what is so awesome is that I can walk up to people in an airport and God can heal someone through me whose body is bent over, wracked with pain. This person has absolutely no idea who Joan Hunter is—yet I see him or her walk away, healed in the name of Jesus, with no pain or trouble moving. As they leave, I hear them say, “I don’t even know her name. I just remember the name Jesus!”

When I go to the grocery store, a superstore, anyplace, I love it when God heals others through me. He can do the same for you and through you. Let Him use you to do His work. Make sure those you minister to know that Jesus is doing the healing. They will remember the name of Jesus, even if they don’t know your name.


What has God called you to do? It’s so important that you understand the call of God on your life, so you don’t end up with regret. When you’re 80 years old, you don’t want to think back and say, “Man, I really shoulda done that,” or “Wow, I coulda done that!”Nowadays many people make a “bucket list”—a list of things they want to do or places they want to go before they “kick the bucket.” I don’t put things on my bucket list that I’m never going to do so that my bucket won’t be full before I kick it. I want to leave this world with no regrets, no, “I couldas or shouldas….” to bother me.I remember one time when some people with cancer said, “I just want to live long enough to go to one of Charles and Frances Hunter’s meetings.” They didn’t attend to receive healing, but just to meet Mom and Dad, before they died.What are you confessing out of your mouth? “God will never use me. I’m too old, too young, too fat, too skinny, married, not married, have children, or don’t have children?” God wants all those excuses thrown out the window. Get them out of your vocabulary. He just wants to use you—if you’re willing. And if you let Him minister through you to others, your life will be an amazing journey.

Be willing to simply pray, “Father God, use me. I repent for any of my excuses. I repent for denying Your power through me. I don’t want to move into the category of coulda and shoulda or I wish I had. I want to live a life of no regrets from this moment on. In Jesus’ name. Amen”

That said, God will use you in a mighty way!

Joan Hunter

Joan Hunter has been involved in the healing ministry for over thirty years. Along with her parents, Charles and Frances Hunter, she has ministered to thousands of people in the area of physical healings. She has traveled the world, laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover. God has expanded her ministry to include total healing-body, soul, and spirit.Joan is married to Kelley Murrell and lives in Pinehurst, Texas. She has four grown daughters, her husband has four sons, and she is a grandmother. She copastored a church in Dallas for eighteen years until 1999, giving her a wide range of experience in the ministry. She is also the author of Healing the Whole Man Handbook.God has healed Joan in every area of her life. She encourages others that they can lay hands on the sick and see them recover. The healing power of God is not reserved for just a few, but for those who believe. Joan encourages you not to give up on your dreams and visions, but to fulfill the destiny that God has for you.


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