Declare Your Broken Heart Healed!


Today we decree that your heart and soul is mended from all brokenness, turmoil, and pain. We call for an anointing to heal the brokenhearted and mend all your wounds. We ask Jesus, the Great Physician, to restore you from the pain arising from loss, betrayal, mistreatment, abuse, and loneliness. We say that all tormenting memories are erased from your mind. We command the spirit of fear that would come to make you apprehensive about your future is bound in the Name of Jesus! We declare the negative events of the past have no more power to harass, haunt, or take up residence in your thoughts. We speak inner peace and emotional wholeness over you and that assurance, confidence, and faith arise within you to replace all past brokenness. We speak a mighty and divine healing upon you now!

We declare the negative events of the past have no more power to harass, haunt, or take up residence in your thoughts.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised (Luke 4:18).One of Jesus’ key purposes on earth was to heal. He not only healed the physically infirm, but His pronouncement about His own call and ministry was to heal those suffering from a broken heart. Having one’s heart broken as a result of disappointment, betrayal, or loss affects every aspect of a person’s life. The Lord doesn’t want you living internally broken today. Jesus came to supply abundant life (see John 10:10), which means being able to live in wholeness so that you can enjoy life with a sense of peace and fulfillment. Trust the Lord today that He is healing all areas of broken-heartedness in your life!


A Time of Ministry and Declaration


The Summer of Glory