God Rigged It So You Could Win!


Being in the heavenly realms with Jesus Christ was beyond anyone’s ability to comprehend (to hear that story, click here). When I came back to this earthly realm, it took time and adjustment to distinguish between what I knew was true from the visitation and what was happening in the environment of this earthly realm at any given moment. At times, it seemed to me as if there were two different worlds. I wondered how I could begin to define the boundaries between the two worlds and still live successfully in both of these worlds at the same time.

I began to use the principles that Jesus taught me by the power of the Holy Spirit, implementing them into my life with great results. The integration of the two worlds did not come quickly or easily at first. However, through persistence, I experienced a great breakthrough. I began to understand how to live in both realms simultaneously.One day, when I was traveling and doing conferences, I was sitting in a coffee shop with a group of friends who are ministers. As we talked and sipped our coffee, I looked behind the ministers, and became astounded because I saw that Jesus had walked upon the scene and was standing behind them. I felt the power of God, and to me, it was palpable and strong. However, those ministers did not seem to be aware at all that He was there in our very presence.Jesus looked directly at me to get my attention. Then, He candidly asked me to present a question to my minister friends at the table. Jesus said, “Ask them how they would live tomorrow if they knew they could not fail?” So I asked them the question. I can tell you that those ministers just did not seem to have the mental capability to fully comprehend what I was asking them. This is a normal reaction because for those of us on earth, it is generally beyond our earthly experience to think that failure can be eliminated. We live in a fallen world, so therefore, a world of absolutely no failure is totally out of the realm of our thoughts and our earthly experience. We have not learned that failure in our lives as Christians can actually be totally eliminated. Indeed, we often face the challenges of life and think as if Jesus Himself is incapable of appearing to us or helping us out of any dilemma.After giving these ministers some time to think about a world with no possibility of failure, I suggested that that they might begin to consider planning life within the framework of thinking this thought: It's all rigged in your favor.

In heaven, God has not ever planned for any Christian to fail, even though all have experienced that the possibility of failure always exists here on earth. None of God’s angels have ever been sent forth from His presence with any thought of possible failure in the assignment God has given them. Yet for Christians, failure seems to be prevalent in the lives of everyone on earth, including even those who belong to the Lord. When the Holy Spirit was sent by God to dwell within every Christian on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Ghost did not consider the thought that He would ever fail. Additionally, on the day that every Christian is born again, the day each Christian confesses Jesus as Lord, the Holy Spirit enters into each believer’s innermost being. And, the Holy Spirit, Who comes to live and dwell within each born-again believer, has never thought about failure even one time in any Christian’s life.In Heaven, there are books that are written about every believer. Every event written in each of those books is supposed to come to pass. Every single day of the life of every Christian was written before any one of those days could come to pass (see Psalms 139:16). God has amazing plans for every Christian. The Angels of the Lord of Heaven are sent forth to help implement those plans and ensure that every Christian has the opportunity to glorify God in this life.

Each Christian does live in two distinct realms simultaneously: the realm of this world, and the realm of God’s kingdom. So I ask that Christians also consider the same question that the Lord asked me to propose to the ministers in that coffee shop that day: “How would you live tomorrow if you knew that you could not fail?” All of Heaven is waiting for each born-again believer’s reply. God, as well as the great cloud of witnesses that surround every Christian, believe in complete success in life for every Christian. He, as well as that cloud of witnesses, are ready to change the course of every believer’s life so that each and every Christian can become the history-maker that the Lord God has destined him or her to be.


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