It's All About Jesus: a challenge from the co-founder of Liberty University


I want to send you a copy of “The Story of Jesus” taken mostly from the Gospel of John. There is a link included below where you can read it or share it with anyone in your family or church.  Remember, it is Jesus telling His life story . . . about His birth in a stable . . . about His miracles in sermons . . . about His death and resurrection. Let me challenge you to share this with both saved and unsaved. If you have a family member/church attender who is only casually identified with Christ, the story of Jesus can change their life.

When I was in El Paso, Texas, I talked to a 13 year-old boy who told me, “I don’t know if Jesus was real.” His grandfather bought a copy of The Bible by Jesus and gave it to him. Two days later I got an email from the pastor who received a message from the grandfather, who got it from his grandson who said, “Now I believe Jesus is who He says He is.”

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every marginal person would state, “Now I believe Jesus is as He says He is.”

Email this story of Jesus to a few, or hundreds, or to all on your email list.Gil Ilutowich, a messianic Jew from Israel, owns one of the largest marketing companies in that nation. When he read it, he said, “This is the manifesto . . . .” He went on to explain, “It’s all about Jesus, not about church buildings, not about doctrine, not about church membership. It’s simply following Jesus.”I reminded Gil that the Declaration of Independence was a manifesto about the dawning of a new movement.  America would be a nation of the people, for the people, and by the people. That manifesto changed the world. Could the message by Jesus, about Jesus, presented from Jesus, be a manifesto of Christianity? Isn’t everything about Jesus?

Download Your Free Copy of The Gospel of John from The Bible by Jesus »


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