Miracles & Missions

On this episode of Awaken Live, Michael Lombardo speaks with Pastor Adam LiVecchi of Rescue Church in NJ. Their topic is "Miracles & Missions." God is doing amazing things around the world and you can be a part of it! On this show, you'll receive insight into God's heart for the poor and marginalized. You'll see with the lenses of Christ Himself and find out how you can make a difference as well. Enjoy and recieve!

Adam LiVecchi

Adam LiVecchi is the founder of We See Jesus Ministries, he has traveled extensively internationally preaching the gospel with signs and wonders following the gospel proclamation. Pastor Adam has also helped equip the saints to hear from God and heal the sick. Pastor Adam and his wife Sarah are the founding pastors of Rescue Church. He is also an author of a growing number of books. Their goal is simple: share the love and power of Jesus so all may taste and see that the Lord is good.


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