Getting to Know the Real Holy Spirit


The baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gifts that He brings to the church are indispensable for victory in the Christian life. Sadly, there are many Christians today who are just like the people in Acts 19 who said, “We have not even heard if there be a Holy Spirit” (see Acts 19:2 KJV).Then there are others who have heard of the Holy Spirit but they’ve seen so many weird things that were blamed on the Holy Spirit that at the very least they are confused and at the worst, many have run the other direction because of the abuses.Paul told us in First Corinthians 12:1 that he doesn’t want us ignorant concerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit and their proper operation, and yet this is one of the areas where ignorance persists in the body of Christ. It is time, it is past time, for a clear presentation of the truth in this regard. I believe Greg Mohr’s book is an answer for that.

I’ve known Greg and Janice Mohr for three decades. I ministered in their church in Decatur, Texas, many times and was very impressed with what the Lord was doing there. The fingerprints of the Lord were all over that ministry. It was not strange or unusual to have the gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation in their services and yet it was always done decently and in order.

I’ve now been blessed to have Greg serve in our ministry for the past seven years and direct our main campus of Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, Colorado, for the last three years. He has brought that same sensitivity to the Holy Spirit to our ministry and it is impacting our students all over the world.

Jesus told His disciples not to go anywhere or tell anyone what had happened until they received the power of God through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Think of that! They had the greatest news the world will ever hear and yet the Lord told them not to share it until they received the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord didn’t want them ministering out of their own ability. Neither should we.

Today the modern church has to a large degree substituted technology and style for the Holy Spirit.

Today the modern church has to a large degree substituted technology and style for the Holy Spirit. The churches that do believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit have pretty much relegated Him to the back room so no one will be offended at His presence. That’s not right. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came in a very open and spectacular way and the result was that three thousand people got saved. We need the open demonstration of the Holy Spirit in our churches today.

But sadly, when churches do permit the gifts of the Holy Spirit to operate, it is often abused. That leads to many problems which eventually leads to them backing away from that freedom. It doesn’t have to be that way.The Scriptures teach that the elders are supposed to judge and give direction in the services. Sure, there will be mistakes made but with the right guidance, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are powerful to the body as a whole and also to the individual who learns to yield and cooperate with Him. We need the Holy Spirit in our services but we also need it done properly.

We need the Holy Spirit in our services but we also need it done properly.

Praise God, He didn’t leave us to figure this out on our own. The Lord gave ample instruction in His Word about how the Holy Spirit operates and how we are to respond. Greg brings out that wisdom through this book and his decades of practical experience in this area.

Flowing in the Supernatural will provide practical instruction for pastors and individuals alike. If you are tired of doing it on your own, if you are hungry to see God’s supernatural power demonstrated through you, if you long to see God confirm His word as He did in the early church, then this book is for you. 


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