The Miraculous Power of Your Spoken Word


Prophetic healing is real, and it is for today.

But the enemy is afraid of the effectiveness of the prophetic healing and speaks lies among the Body of Christ. Some of our brothers and sisters in Christ believe prophetic healers are of the devil and these are occult practices. But I ask you to be reasonable, “Would satan desire for you to be delivered from demons? Would he want you to be healed from cancer and win people to Jesus with the words of your healing testimony? Would he be glad if your next door neighbor regained their sight? Or that your grandfather’s deaf ears open so he can hear the Word of God preached again?”

For many years, and still counting, the devil agitates and stirs up the religious spirits among believers and hinders the mighty move of prophetic healing in all areas of life; spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical healing. But even though he may have been able to pull the wool over the eyes of a vast number of Christians for quite some time now, the Spirit of God is on the move, the remnant is on the rise, and the prophetic power of healing is on her tongue. It’s time to join the ranks of God’s remnant and take hold of the Kingdom of God by force, be about your heavenly Father’s business, and win the lost in great numbers. Prophetic healing easily wins souls over to God.

Struggling with the doctrinal position that words have Power?

Perhaps you struggle with this doctrinal position that your words have prophetic power to heal the sick, including yourself. If so, you’re not alone, this is my beginning:

Back in the 1970s before I became a born-again Christian, I had never heard of such teaching. Back when I was a teenager, I would occasionally watch the American televangelist, Robert Schuller with my mom. If you recognize the name, you know his message was about the positive power of our words. I was drawn to the brightness of his message, but even then, this feel-good message did not reel me into the Kingdom of God. But it did instill within me hope, and that is the precursor to faith. And it certainly was not what I was accustomed to hearing from the pulpit.And this is the heart of the problem, there is little teaching from the pulpit to equip God’s people in the prophetic power of their words. To teach them to release words of victory in every situation. It’s not comfortable for the man or woman of God to teach a message from the pulpit that convicts people to change. After all, people may bring up questions that church leaders are not able to or ready to answer because they personally have not been walking it out for themselves. Or church members may get upset that the pastor is questioning the way they speak or the way they act. Worse yet, they may pack up and move to the gathering down the road.This passiveness from the pulpit hurts the Body of Christ. Many times lay people speak such negative words over themselves and suffer for their poor choice of words. Ministers, I am reminded of a song from Bob Dylan from 1979, “Gotta Serve Somebody.” As people in the fivefold ministry, we have to understand that we have to decide whom we are going to serve. In the ministry we often confuse our purpose—we are to glorify God, not ourselves. And even though we are servants of the Most High, the people receive the benefits of our service; but our service is onto the Lord, not people, and certainly not the spirit of mammon and what it brings to the offering plate, that’s service onto the devil himself.

If you have been following my writings, you know that I became born-again and baptized with the Holy Spirit in May 1979 when I was 18 years of age at Jesus People Church, downtown Minneapolis, on Hennepin Avenue in Minnesota. It was here that I first heard the voice of the Word and the Spirit of God. Even though I was spiritually dead and could not fully understand what was being taught, my spirit was being opened up to truth and God’s Spirit was wooing me to enter into His Kingdom. And the moment I surrendered my life to Jesus, my spiritual ears were opened and I could comprehend the Word of God, and I also could readily discern and hear God’s voice speaking to me.Then due to a moral crisis, the church dispersed; but even still, many ministries were birthed out of that movement. And it was from there that my husband and I found ourselves in a little A-frame church called The Church of the Jubilee, under Roger and Marlene Davis. It was here, in the 1980s, where my faith was cultivated in the Word of God by these lovers and teachers of the Word, and I began to grow and mature in the faith. Not only from the teachings of my pastors but from other great teachers of the Word like the late Kenneth E. Hagin. In addition, my husband and I would catch the early Sunday morning telecast with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland before heading out to the Sunday morning service at our local church where we also served.

And on top of that, there was also the late Dr. Richard E. Eby, whom I only heard three times, but he deposited into me such deep things of the Spirit with his life and death testimony. Whether through conferences or books, these people of God captured my heart with their message of faith. They instilled within me a love for the Word. And this biblical teaching catapulted me into the realm of faith like no other. “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Every one of these teachers of the Word taught me another element of faith.

It was in the mid-eighties, and the pastors invited a guest speaker by the name of Charles Capps. Once again, I found myself unlearned in this area, but still intrigued with regard to the message of the power of our spoken words. But this time another element was introduced to me, the prophetic power of God’s Word spoken. I don’t recall if the actual word prophetic was mentioned, but the concept and working of it was being taught.

After the service, the speaker was selling a little booklet of Scriptures on the back table. I picked up a copy and devoured it. I would use the faith Scriptures in this booklet in prayer and witnessed success in the power of the spoken word. Then over the years as my faith grew in the knowledge and revelation of the Word, so did my spiritual ability increase in the arena of the prophetic, especially in the realm of prophetic healing.

If you glean anything from my beginning to learn to live in the power of faith-filled words, I pray that you will see that I had a purpose within my heart to live in the realm of faith that would please God and bring about His glory.

It would be years later, after being on the mission field full time, that the following two men of God would minister volumes of mysteries of the Spirit to me through their writings—Lester Sumrall and Smith Wigglesworth.

I am a strong advocate for the power of the spoken word, and every word that we speak prophesies either life or death. And with the power of this revelation, I see the dead come back to life, incurable diseases healed, tumors disappear, blind eyes see, deaf ears hear, paralytics walk, and unusual and unexplainable miracles manifest. All of this and so much more, because I have learned how to wield the supernatural power of prophetic words that heal.

The Spirit of the Lord would encourage you this day, “I am the bridge between mediocre Christianity and a lifestyle in the Spirit where dreams come true and visions are seen with the physical eye. Cross over this bridge with Me. Don’t be afraid, I will lead you and guide you into all truth in My ways. And those of you who will follow Me will catapult into a higher realm where you and those around you will heal by the prophetic power of your words.”


An Angel whispered in my ear, then this happened…


Healing from Back Pain and Deafness