Healed from a Brain Tumor


We had a ministry in my church to go to the poor to pray and minister to the sick. I expect the greatest miracles among the lost and poor because they are so needy.

I was with a team one day, praying for people, when I was told about a woman there who was dying of cancer. Her name was Terry. She was a beautiful blonde-haired lady about twenty-five years old. She had two daughters that were five and seven from a previous marriage. She had been living with a man who had recently stolen her car, emptied her bank account, taken all her cash, and run off. She felt rejected by her divorce, and now she felt rejected by the man she had been living with out of wedlock. On top of all that, she was dying of an inoperable brain tumor. This tumor had metastasized into the tissue in her breast and spread down to the abdominal tract. The doctors said there was nothing more they could do, that the tumor was inoperable. They told her to go home and make her will out because she was going to die.

When I learned of all this, I asked Terry if I could pray for her, and she said, “Yes.” When I started to put my hands on her head, she drew back and said, “What are you doing?”“You said I could pray for you. That is what I’m doing,” I replied. “Here? Now?” she said.“Yes,” I replied.“I don’t think so” was her response. She thought I was going to go home and pray for her. She didn’t understand that I intended to pray for her right then and there, but she finally let me pray. As I prayed, she began to feel heat on her head, and then electricity going through her head. I felt as though God said to me, “This one is on Me.”Every two weeks, we took food to Terry and prayed for her. We did this about six times over a twelve-week period. Then one day she called me and told me not to come back, that she didn’t need us to bring food anymore. I found out later that another man had moved in.Several years went by, and then I saw her one day at the local food bank. “Terry, you’re alive!” I shouted across the room. As we talked, she told me what had happened to her since I had last seen her. About six or eight weeks after our last visit, she went to the doctor. Both an MRI and a full-body scan revealed no cancer. “I had always wondered if it had anything to do with you praying for me,” she said.“Terry, Jesus healed you,” I replied.

I was able to get Terry to come to our church, where she gave her testimony of what God had done for her.


Healed from Breast Cancer


How to Heal Like Jesus