The Problem With Fear


The biblical command repeated most often is: Do not fear. Why? Fear attacks the foundation of our relationship with God—our faith. Fear is faith in the devil; it is also called unbelief. Jesus would ask His fearful disciples, “Why are you so faithless?” because fearfulness is the same as faithlessness. Fear and faith cannot coexist—they work against each other.The devil is called Beelzebub, which means, lord of the flies. He and his hosts are attracted to decay. We once had a freezer in a building detached from our house. One Sunday we came home from church only to be hit with a wall of smell that is unfortunately hard to forget. I realized in an instant what had happened. Our freezer had died. I thought the stench I had smelled for days was because my boys forgot to take all of the trash to the dump. Instead it was the ever-rotting meat and bear hide in the freezer.

From the front seat of my car I looked at the window of the shop about 40 feet away. It was black with flies…a number that is still hard to imagine these many years later. The freezer was filled with all sorts of meat. Flies found a happy breeding ground in spoiled flesh and were multiplying in unbelievable numbers. Both the meat and the freezer were taken to the dump.Issues such as bitterness, jealousy, and hatred qualify as the decay of the heart that invite the devil to come and give influence—yes, even to Christians. remember Paul’s admonition to the church of Ephesus, “neither give place to the devil.” (See James 3:15-16; Ephesians 4:27 KJV).

Fear is also a decay of the heart. it attracts the demonic in the same way as bitterness and hatred. How did the flies know where my freezer was? Through the scent of decaying meat. Fear gives off a similar scent. Like faith, fear is substance in the spiritual realm. Satan has no power except through our agreement. Fear becomes our heart’s response when we come into agreement with his intimidating suggestions.


Conversation with Rebecca Greenwood


Hearing God's Voice Every Day