A Prayer for Members of the Military and Their Families


Father, we put on Your armor and stand against the forces of darkness that are scheming to steal, kill, and destroy the freedom we enjoy as a nation. Thank You for the men and women who lay down their lives for our country.

The conflicts our armed forces are facing are life-and-death situations. Thank You for the military officers and commanders who lean not unto their own understanding but acknowledge You in all their ways. Give them Your wisdom as they lead the men and women under their command, and help them make decisions in conformity with Your will.

Lord, we petition the courts of heaven for a strong military who is ready to defend freedom and those rights You have granted to mankind. We pray they will be instruments of righteousness defeating the plans of the devil while pursuing wholesome relationships with all nations. During a time of conflict, protect our soldiers, and be their constant companion and strength in battle, their refuge in every adversity. We pray for their safe return.

Jesus, thank You for giving Your life so men could be free, and now we pray that we may live to make men free, “while God is marching on.” May we all pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding, in the name of Jesus.

We bear upon our shoulders our Commander-in-Chief and our political and military leaders, praying they will tirelessly seek peaceful settlements to international disputes. Create within the hearts of all men and women a desire for true peace and justice. All things are possible with You.

We plead the blood of Jesus over our troops, and ask You to keep them safe and rescue them from danger. Provide for and protect the families of our armed forces. During times of separation, strengthen them and give the the wisdom to cope with daily challenges in the absence of their loved ones. Thank You for wise counselors who are helping the children of those men and women who are deployed to other nations. May You be their source of comfort and peace that passes understanding.

Father, we are grateful for those who have given their lives for our country. God of all comfort, we ask You to comfort loved ones—wives, children, mothers, fathers, family members, and friends. We call upon Jehovah-Jireh to see to their needs and provide for them according to Your glorious riches.

Father, we are looking forward to that day when there shall be no more war, and the whole earth.

Germaine Copeland

Germaine Copeland

Germaine Copeland is the author of the bestselling Prayers That Avail Much book series. Founder of Word Ministries, Germaine travels nationally and internationally conducting prayer schools, speaking at churches, conferences, and other groups. As she ministers, people are encouraged by her insight on praying effectively, experience emotional healing, and learn how prayer promotes personal change, making a difference in the spiritual climates within their realms of influence. Germaine and her husband, Everette, have four adult children, eleven grandchildren and their tribe increases with each great-grandchild. They reside in Greensboro, Georgia.


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