Healthy Living, the Politically Incorrect Way


Everyone flocks to see today’s heroes play music to thousands of adoring fans, dunk a basketball with thunderous power, or glide their way to Olympic gold in the downhill skiing event.

We see these modern-day heroes at their best, at their shining moments, standing on the crest of the mountain looking down at the   rest of us. But think for a moment. These heroes each put in thousands of hours of sweat, toil, and failures with no screaming fans to encourage them. They made sacrifices far beyond what any of us have made. They swam hundreds of laps in cold pools in the wee hours of the morning while we were still asleep. They played music in dingy clubs to a handful of people who weren’t even paying attention to them. They practiced day in and day out, even when their friends were out having fun.The common denominator in the lives of these superstars was an insatiable drive and determination to succeed. The truth is that the chance of any one of us becoming a rock star, an all-star basketball player, or an Olympic gold medalist is smaller than winning the lottery.

I believe that the process of overcoming an incurable illness is much the same as training for and winning the Olympics. The individuals who have the courage to take charge of their own health have the unending determination to make the near impossible sacrifices it takes to be one of the select few who beat illness and choose life. They are today’s true heroes.

My own healing journey from death’s door to a return to super health was not an easy one. I made a lot of mistakes along the way. But I know in the end that my journey produced lasting changes in my life, and I hope that by sharing what I have learned with you, you can take charge of your own health and realize your body’s phenomenal potential.In the midst of life’s trials and tribulations, we often ask why God would allow us to go through such ordeals. But I now know more than ever, God would never allow anyone to suffer like I did without a divine plan.The fact is, I went through a real-life “hell” and nearly died. I truly believe, though, that this was part of God’s plan so that I might become your teacher and show you, as well as others, how to regain your birth- right of great health.

In my book Patient Heal Thyself, I discuss the health secrets that allowed our ancestors to live long, disease-free lives. You will learn how to regain your health if you’ve lost it or how to maintain the excellent health that you currently enjoy and even slow premature aging.

But let me warn you. Some of the recommendations in this book may surprise you. In fact, many of my instructions fly in the face of what “they” are telling you. The “they” are the traditional medical establishment and many governmental agencies. If a politically correct approach to health and nutrition is what you’re looking for, you’ve come to the wrong place. If you’re looking for an optimal health plan for you and your family that is validated by history, science, and our Creator, however, then buckle up. You’re in for a wild ride!If I had to boil my message down to one sentence, it would be this: No matter what health challenges plague you today, there is hope for an answer. It’s time to get armed with powerful truths from our Creator. It’s time to provide your body with the nutritional tools it needs to regenerate from head to toe. The time is now.

Patient, heal thyself!


Living Water (from John 4)


My Mother's Healing from Cancer