In the Shadow of His Wings


Just as I was putting my daughter down for her nap (I so look forward to that daily nap!), she did the oddest thing. She was 13 months of age, yet suddenly she did what she did as a newborn. She turned her head and body to the side, tucked herself in the bend of my arms, and rested her head on my chest and drifted off to sleep.

Instantly, God gave me a vision. I saw a soft but ginormous bird. There I was, running to the bird and tucking myself under the covering of its soft wings where I felt safe, warm, and as if, This is where I need to be!

Then I was back from the vision, and my daughter was drooling away on my chest, gently cooing. I put her in her crib and flipped open my Bible.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1 NIV).

Okay, God, I thought, I get it!

As a mother of a toddler, lately I had felt my life spinning. Trying to keep up with my own personal deadlines, never-ending lists, Thanksgiving recipes to look up, Christmas vacation to plan, a husband who had now started working from home, and a toddler demanding all of my attention, life felt like a victory if I could move from one hectic day to the next without losing my patience and kindness.

And then God shows me this vision. Making it all the more real by giving me a living example of my drooling baby, all snug in my arms. He caught my attention!In all the busyness of this season, I had forgotten what it felt like to dwell with Him. To just sit and rest for a second in His presence— and from that place, live! It’s time for things to change, I thought. He has to come first, and His presence has to be the most important part of my day.

Breathe in His presence. Breathe in His peace, grace, forgiveness, and fullness of joy. Did you do it? Literally, shut your eyes, and try to see yourself with Him. Maybe it helps to envision yourself being tucked into the sweet safety of a warm bird (like Jesus showed me), or resting your hand in His. There is safety and peace in His presence! Breathe Him in, and exhale the stress of the day. Exhale the things that demand your attention, and just get full of Him first.


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