Jesse Duplantis Says "Sandra Kennedy's Book is Powerful!"


Dr. Sandra Kennedy is a wonderful woman of God whom my wife and I have known and respected for many years. She has the unique ability to put you at ease, make you feel welcome, and share the Word in a real and easy-to-understand way. On top of that, the woman just flat-out makes me smile! Her new book, The Cleansing, Healing Power of the Blood, comes from her heart and her perspective as a psychologist, therapist, counselor, and anointed minister of the Gospel, and it will show you a different side of the blood of Jesus—one that reaches beyond the sinner’s prayer and into the everyday, ongoing life of the believer.Sandra’s book addresses some of the issues we all deal with from time to time. It is filled with the Word, her wisdom, and her wonderful personality. I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in living in victory every day—not just on Sunday! I believe that, when you start drawing on the power of the Blood regularly, you are going to see change in yourself, your circumstances, and even in the lives of your loved ones.

Whether you have been saved five minutes or fifty years, you are going to learn something from The Cleansing, Healing Power of the Blood. I did, and I enjoyed every minute of it. The Blood of Jesus is what gives every one of us hope for today, tomorrow, and the far-off future. The Blood never loses its power—it remains a continual source of grace, mercy, and power that we can draw upon and see results. The Blood cleans up our mind. It cleans up our body. It cleans up situations that we don’t know what to do about! The Blood is power; and in this book, you will learn how to use it in a way you may never have thought of before. Sandra has some great revelation about the ongoing cleansing power of the Blood that is going to lift your heart and make your journey in this life easier and a lot more joyful.

Start to see yourself through the powerful, precious, and finished work of the Blood. Learn how to stop trying to become what you already are—free—and start living the good life that Jesus came to give to you. As she would say, it is time to start flying with the eagles and stop crash-landing with the turkeys!

Dr. Jesse Duplantis


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