You are God's Book


God is the author of your best-selling story! He is daily crafting each chapter to make you the person He wants you to be—the best possible you!

All great things are the result of a significant process. Writing a life story is an ongoing journey that God wants you to enjoy. Having respect for the process allows God to lead you to ultimate maturity.Your life is a living testament of ongoing processes, which need to be faced head-on. When you believe God is in the midst of every challenge, you will overcome each one.Your purpose and your life plan is before you. God allows you to experience ups and downs throughout life to build you into the most incredible person you can be.

Don’t accept or allow what the world says to deter you from reaching your God-given desires. God has promised His children ever more than you can imagine. Keep faith in the promise.God develops your purpose through trials and challenges—which are all part of the process. Persevering and pushing through each tough time assures you Jesus’ promise of an abundant life.You are a child of the King, which makes you a target of the enemy who wants to destroy your promise. But…God is greater than the enemy in every way. Whatever comes your way, God knows you can handle it—because He is with you all the way.Sometimes you have to process your mind, friends, and family in order to get to whatever God wants for you. There is much to gain—promises, joy, and a more intimate relationship with Jesus.

Every superhero has a villain, and every hero has a backstory. Fighting and faith go hand in hand. Your ability to become a superhero means defeating the villain by standing firm for righteousness, facing obstacles, and winning each battle.

Faith Activations

The next time you face a problem, confrontation, or battle of the mind, stop what you are doing for five to ten minutes and pray that God will give you the grace to endure the pain of the process. Pray to embrace the storms in your life because you know God is holding your umbrella.

Determine to be a "faither" by writing ten ways you can keep the enemy from gaining any ground in your spiritual life, your home life, and your work life. Then put those ways into action!

Take time to reflect on situations when the enemy tried to overwhelm you. Do they seem to be reconstructions of the same issues? If yes, take steps immediately to deal with and eradicate any area in your life where the enemy seems to have a foothold.

Cora Jakes

Cora Coleman is 28 years old. She is a wife to her wonderful husband Brandon Coleman and is the mother to her beautiful daughter Amauri Coleman and son Jason Coleman. She’s the daughter to world renown Bishop Jakes, and First Lady Serita Jakes. She is working as the children’s ministry director of The Potter’s House of Dallas. She loves life, and enjoys writing. She began writing in her blog Fertility Faith at the age of 24 because at the age of 22 the doctors diagnosed her with infertility. She went to the web looking for young women her age that were going through infertility, and could be a support to her, and found nothing for her age group. At the age of 24 Cora went through her first IVF cycle, and it failed.
She was heartbroken, lost, and confused. She was able to find wonderful women through her sisters blog that had fought infertility and won. When she began to find these women they became her support and her push. Having these women encouraged her to continue to push forward, and pushed her to speak about her struggle to help someone else. She was able to find what she calls her community she calls her support community her fertility sisters, and without them she would have been lost.
Cora Coleman now post in her blog weekly, and speaks out about her battle with infertility in the hopes of building a group of support for all people who are fighting for not just a baby but for their ultimate promise that the Lord has spoken over them. She is now a minister in training under the Potter’s House school of Ministry. She plans to continue to encourage people through her blog, writing books, and speaking out about continuing to fight for your dream no matter what obstacle you are facing. She does not just have a heart for young women battling infertility, but she has a heart for people who are trying to get and reach their promise.


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