Opting Out


In today’s day and age, we are pushing our bodies and our planet beyond the brink, asking them to function properly amidst tremendous environmental damage that we are inflicting on ourselves and the world around us. We expect more and provide less—much less. The nutrition our bodies need is simply not being supplied. Likewise, the nutrients in our soil are disappearing at an alarming rate. In an effort to put back what we’ve lost, we fortify our foods with a few synthetic “vitamins” and supply our soil with a few synthetic 'minerals.'

In order to combat the degenerating health of our bodies, we consume massive amounts of medications, including antibiotics, to “kill” the germs that medical scientists believe are causing diseases, but we weaken our already battered digestive tracts and immune systems. We use pesticides to kill the insects that agricultural scientists believe are destroying our crops, but our plants may be susceptible due to their weakened and hybridized state.

Today’s residents of Earth have been born into a system of degeneration that harms the planet and every person and creature alive. In order to see the transformation we desire, we must “opt out” of the modern systems of degeneration. We need to understand that our health and well-being depends on the daily decisions we make. Few people understand that our bodies as well as our land are degenerating rapidly, but the statistics are clear. Lets take the first step toward regeneration. Let’s join together to help the planet and its people 'heal thyself.'

Jordan Rubin

Jordan Rubin – one of America’s most recognized and respected natural health experts – is the New York Times bestselling author of The Maker’s Diet, and 24 additional titles, including his latest work Planet Heal Thyself. Jordan is the founder of Garden of Life, a leading whole food nutritional supplement company, and Beyond Organic a vertically integrated organic food and beverage company.

In 2015, Jordan launched Get Real Nutrition, a certified organic, non GMO, Real Food nutrition company utilizing cutting edge fermentation technology, produced in an indoor nutrient farm located on central California’s coast and Heal the Planet Farm, a regenerative permaculture retreat located in Missouri’s Ozark mountains within the four thousand acre Beyond Organic Ranch. Jordan currently resides in central California with his wife Nicki and their children.


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