A Woman's Place


We are in the greatest time of history the world has ever seen. More people are coming to Jesus in this hour, in this age, than ever in the history of the world. It is a tremendous joy to see men and women sharing the Gospel in the marketplace as well as to the unreached people groups of the earth. I am praying for women to rise up in humility and in their giftings and shine.

I am praying for face-to-face encounters with Jesus where they understand who they are, feeling the Father’s love embracing their hearts and calling them into their identities in every sphere of society.

Half of the population has felt silenced for a long time, and it is such an encouragement to see women finding their voices. Their sound, their voice, their song is being released all over the planet in every profession.

I see the Lord encouraging them to share in the realm of the church, but to shine wherever they are called to shine.I love seeing women thriving as professors and in government and as entrepreneurs and also on the mission field. For centuries women have soared on the mission field; it is a place where they felt free. Now it is a time to understand that all of the world, that every single person who doesn’t know Jesus, is a field white for harvest.Women, arise and shine for the glory of God is upon you. It is your season, it is your turn, it is your time. Walk together with faithful men and carry this glorious Gospel. I know that Jesus is calling all of us to have more oil and to be His light on the earth and His salt in the earth. We call half of the population, which is female, to rise up and carry the glory of God!

Heidi Baker

Heidi and Rolland Baker, founders and directors of Iris Ministries, have served as missionaries for more than thirty years to the world’s poorest people. They both earned PhD degrees at King’s College, University of London, where they planted a thriving church for the homeless. They have lived and ministered for many years in Mozambique. They also travel internationally, teaching about “passion and compassion” in the ministry of the gospel. They have written several books, including Always Enough, Expecting Miracles, and Learning to Love.


Watch: Victory Over Our Past


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