Spend Time with Jesus


“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”- Romans 15:13

I love to spend time with Jesus, to just simply adore Him. I love to pour my life out on Him like an alabaster box full of oil. Everything costly in my life I like to pour out on the One I love. He is so worthy! People often ask me how I live in this place of constantly pressing in for more, taking every opportunity to worship Jesus. Oftentimes it’s not easy. Life, especially in Mozambique, is busy, noisy, hot, demanding, heartbreaking, and exhausting. I have learned that if my mind starts to wander, I pull it back to Jesus. I literally take authority over my wandering thoughts, and I give them to Jesus. I say, “Jesus, I give You this time. I will worship You with everything within me. I will not be distracted. I will not be moved. This time belongs to You and I give it to You.” And then I abandon myself to Him and it becomes easy from there.You will notice from the gospels that Jesus had to purposely make time for God. The crowds were constantly pressing in, wanting more of Him. In Jesus they found the manifest presence of God and they wanted more. They wanted His attention, they wanted His touch, they wanted to hear what He had to say; they wanted Him to heal them, to set them free. They couldn’t get enough of Him. And Jesus couldn’t get enough of His heavenly Father because He knew that His relationship with God was the place everything flowed from.

“Yet the news about Him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”- Luke 5:15-16

If I don’t spend time with God, it becomes impossible for me to do what I do. Without Him I am small, weak, incapable, and ill-equipped. But when I allow myself to go and dwell in His presence, that’s when His supernatural resources begin to flow into the situation. With God I can be the answer to someone’s need; without Him I am hopeless. When we allow Jesus to express Himself through us, we become His hands and feet on the earth and that is the essence of missions—being the fragrance of Christ to others. When people see how much you trust God, they are more willing to trust Him.

  1. What does your time with God look like?

  2. What are you willing to give up to spend time with God?

  3. If your time alone with God is not yielding the kind of fruit you need or desire, what do you think is causing the blockage?

Heidi Baker

Heidi and Rolland Baker, founders and directors of Iris Ministries, have served as missionaries for more than thirty years to the world’s poorest people. They both earned PhD degrees at King’s College, University of London, where they planted a thriving church for the homeless. They have lived and ministered for many years in Mozambique. They also travel internationally, teaching about “passion and compassion” in the ministry of the gospel. They have written several books, including Always Enough, Expecting Miracles, and Learning to Love.


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