Emotions Unleash Spiritual Energy


Do you have a theology concerning the role of Kingdom emotions in bringing forth spiritual transformation?

I sure didn’t. Actually, I used to scorn emotions as soulish. Thirty-seven years ago, when I began hearing God’s voice through two-way journaling, God told me there was a place for emotions. He reminded me that Jesus, moved by compassion, healed (see Matt. 14:14), so I decided to accept emotions. Now, God is taking me one step further, showing me that the Kingdom emotions of compassion and thankfulness are crucial in bringing forth the miracles and transformations He has in store for my life.I have come to the conclusion that faith, when coupled with the Kingdom emotions of compassion and gratitude, brings forth miracles. When used together, the synergy of these elements releases sufficient spiritual power to overcome the hard-wired circuits in my mind and body and produce a life-transforming miracle.

Wow, from scorn to a celebrated place of importance! It would have been nice if it didn’t take 37 years to embrace these changes.Growing up, my definitions of faith and love did not actually include emotions as a component part of either one. I had defined faith as allegiance to a creed or statement of fact and love as a decision to lay down my life for another. I discovered that these definitions needed considerable revamping!I began searching Scripture to see what it says about emotion. Was I in for a shock! Here is one Scripture which sums things up: “faith working through love” (Gal. 5:6). The literal meaning of working through in this verse is “energized by.” So faith is energized by love. Without love, faith doesn’t work.I have come to believe that emotions are the channel that releases spiritual energy. The healing power Jesus released rode on the carrier wave of compassion. If I want to see miracles in my life, I need to combine compassion and faith. Compassion toward myself and others and faith that God can do anything He wants!

The Bible devotes hundreds of verses to faith, belief, and love and hundreds more to their opposites—fear, doubt, anger, hatred, and judgment. These are enormous topics to wrestle with and to integrate into our lives. I finally took a year to explore the dynamic of faith energized by love. I have come to the realization that compassion is the carrier wave on which the power of the Holy Spirit rides. Faith energized by love releases miracles. As believers, we must establish a biblical understanding of the various elements that make up the role of emotion in bringing forth transformation. God’s Kingdom is defined as peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (see Rom. 14:17)! These are Spirit-born emotions.Today, I believe in the role and power of Kingdom emotions. I believe they do promote healing. I believe the Church has absolutely missed it by not embracing the place of Kingdom emotions to precipitate healing, miracles, and spiritual transformation.

Wouldn’t it be nice to see people moved by compassion, praying for healing on the streets and releasing God’s miracle-working power just as Jesus did? Is this what our nation needs? Would it produce another revival? Is this God’s plan? Will you be a part of it? I will!Let the Church be the Church once again. Let us light our cities with Christ’s divine light and healing power. Let us be known as those whose compassionate touch with clear intention to heal sets the captives free. Come. Can you hear Him calling you?


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