Kathryn Kuhlman, Joan Gieson, and Holy Spirit's Presence


From the moment I heard Joan Gieson speak on Sid Roth’s Miracle Explosion program with Joan Hunter and Clarice Fluitt, I knew she had to share this book with the world!

Joan is a powerful minister, evangelist, and agent of compassion in her own right. In fact, I spent several hours sitting with her and her husband Frank, getting to know them and listening to stories about Kathryn Kuhlman. Amazing miracles. Bus rides to the miracle crusades filled with supernatural happenings. Secrets from behind closed doors of what kind of person Miss Kuhlman really was and how her walk with God in everyday life is what postured her to be saturated by the Spirit’s presence on the platform.

As Joan shared several testimonies, wave after wave of the Holy Spirit’s presence would come upon us as we all became undone by the amazing work of God. Why? Is it because Kathryn Kuhlman is some kind of spiritual superstar whom we need to write a book about, explaining why she was so unique and special? No—although I do believe she is a general who deserves great honor.

Here is what I got while interviewing Joan Gieson—Kathryn Kuhlman lived a life and enjoyed a relationship with the Holy Spirit that should be provoking to every single believer. It should be invitational and inclusive, not off limits and exclusive. This invitation extends to you! Miss Kuhlman was not unusually qualified. In fact, much happened in her life that should have naturally disqualified her. She was not perfect, nor did she present herself to be. She did not claim to have any kind of unique edge with God that was inaccessible to “everyday people.”

Kathryn Kuhlman simply decided to give herself completely to the Holy Spirit and yield to His lordship in her life.

In her book, Healing in His Presence, Joan Gieson has offered a unique treasure that gives you a behind-the-scenes look at Kathryn Kuhlman and how what she practiced in her walk with God is available and transferable to you!

You will quickly see that the miracles and healings were not about Kathryn Kuhlman. They were not about Joan Gieson—who continues to witness a consistent demonstration of miracles in her life and ministry. It’s not about some unique man or woman who has some healing “touch.” It has everything to do with the healing presence of the Holy Spirit, the One who has been given to each of us by a good and gracious Father.

Here is the question that begins your journey: how filled with His presence are you willing to be?

Joan Gieson

Joan Gieson lives in an atmosphere of miracles and encourages everyone she meets to reach out and touch Jesus. After receiving a dramatic healing under Kathryn Kuhlman’s ministry, Joan spent over eight years working for Ms. Kuhlman, transporting people to her healing services. Later on, Joan would become a key, behind-the-scenes minister with Benny Hinn, traveling across 18 countries, praying for the sick in his meetings. Joan and her husband Frank reside in St. Louis, Missouri, where they are dedicated to providing shelter and jobs for the homeless through their organization, Ministries of Love.


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