Writers: You're About to Experience a Greater Impartation of Holy Ghost Fire


At the start of this week I had a strong stirring in me of a word bubbling forth for the writers. I have spent a lot of this week reading and working on editing my new book coming out in October and there's one thing that the Lord has been burning in my spirit and it is this: "Writer's you are about to encounter a greater impartation of Holy Ghost Fire".The Lord has been speaking to me about a significant increase in anointing to write. Right now, the Lord is releasing an anointing to HEAR like you have not heard before. I have released a few words for the writers last year and this year, because I believe that there is significant increase upon the writers.

A Sharpening of the Ear

The Lord showed me there is a "sharpening of the ear" taking place right now. Whatever "sphere" you may write in, I saw the Lord bringing you to a deeper place of "hearing". I released a word last year about the SCRIBE ANOINTING falling upon the writers and the Lord showed me again this week, a even greater increase of that anointing being released on the writers. There are significant encounters upon the writers right now to hear what the Lord is saying and put it to paper whether in book, play, song, movie etc. There is a significant impartation that the Lord is releasing in these words that are going to bring shift to many especially in the area of HEARING from God.Many are going to hear from the Lord in such significant ways through what you are writing, they are going to hear His voice, so sweet and tender. As the Lord "sharpens your ear" to hear and write, this significant impartation in the words you are writing will see the Holy Spirit "SHARPEN OTHERS EARS" to hear from the Lord in clearer ways.

Many Shall Come to Know Him

I saw the Lord speaking SO beautifully and clearly through the words being written, some of you writing directly about Him, others of you writing creatively and not directly about the Lord but what the Lord has placed on your heart, and His voice was BOOMING through your words - His Words through you! I heard the Holy Spirit whisper..."Many shall come to know Me through these written works"

Writers, EXPAND your vision! Dream bigger! For how the Lord is going to use your writing in BIGGER than you realise. MANY who do not know Jesus are going to come to know our beautiful Jesus through many of your writings. The Lord is going to reveal Himself and His goodness and love, and supernatural encounters through the words that you pen, are going to bring many to the saving knowledge and revelation of Jesus Christ.

I saw many who some would deem as "the most impossible to be saved" coming to salvation in Jesus Christ through the words that the Holy Spirit has many of you writing.

Unexpected Miracles

The Lord also showed me UNEXPECTED miracles taking place. The Lord is going to blow you away by the TESTIMONIES that you are going to receive from your writings. Whether you have already written a book, writing a book now, written songs, writing a song, whatever the "area" of your writing, I saw a HUGE influx of TESTIMONIES of MIRACLES.The Lord showed me these miracles will be UNEXPECTED because they haven't even been on your radar. They aren't things you have even imagined yet, He is going to leave you in awe and wonder with what the Holy Spirit is going to do through His words through you. Many will receive significant breakthrough, healing, freedom and encounter the Lord through your writings.The Holy Spirit whispered to me:

"The battle many of you went through and many of you are going through to birth these writings, are going to BREAK the BATTLE for the readers. A significant breakthrough anointing is going to be released through My words through you. The breaker anointing is not only going to bring a tipping point of harvest into the lives of the readers, and great fruitfulness, but will also see My breaker anointing release the double portion of fruitfulness and harvest promised to you, My writers, released suddenly. Things will shift suddenly!!!"

Don't Be Afraid of Unexpected Directions

I heard the Holy Spirit say "Don't be afraid of UNEXPECTED DIRECTIONS".

I saw new opportunities for writings, new doors opening, the Lord releasing new burdens of His heart to write about, manuscripts, songs, movies, plays and other areas going in "different directions" to what you thought. But don't fear those "unexpected directions" for those "unexpected directions" are leading you into a whole new realm of creativity and favour. The Lord is not "withdrawing", He is "adding", "multiplying" and "increasing" the anointing of writing upon you.

For many of you are going to receive UNEXPECTED FAVOUR from UNEXPECTED DIRECTIONS in your writing.I heard the Lord say:

"Don't try and stay with what you know, but follow My Spirit's FLOW"Flow with Him! Let Him lead you! Let Him write through you even if it feels completely new and unexpected, for He is going to move you into realms and places you never imagined. Such favour will fall upon the Lord's words through you.

Many Writings of 2018 are Going to Shift Culture

The Lord showed me that many writings happening in 2018 are going into the seven mountains of culture and will bring great SHIFT.

I heard the Lord say:

"You will be blown away by who's hands My words through you fall into!"I saw the wind of the Spirit carrying these manuscripts, poems, plays, songs, movies, etc into the hands of influential people. People with great favour in the seven mountains of culture and bringing tremendous SHIFT to culture. Many will come to know Jesus, many will implement the wisdom of heaven, many of these influential people will call on you for heavenly wisdom and direction. It's time! This is much bigger than YOU! It's much bigger than you realise.

Stay faithful to what the Lord is asking you to pen, for He is releasing a move of His Spirit through His words through you, unlike you have seen before. Many of you right now are actually birthing a MOVEMENT through penning the words of the King.2 CORINTHIANS 2:9

I saw the Lord with Holy Ghost fire BRANDING writers and your assignments right now."Things never discovered or heard of before, things beyond our ability to imagine these are the many things God has in store for all His lovers."Get ready writers!You're about to encounter a whole new impartation of Holy Ghost fire!


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