Do You Long For The Lord's Return?


Throughout the many years I have studied the Scriptures, I never cease to be amazed at how practical God is. From even the most spiritual and heavenly themes in the Bible, a practical application always seems to emerge to help us apply biblical principles to our lives here on earth. The subject of Christ’s second coming is no different. In fact, my study of this topic has changed my entire attitude toward the coming of the Lord.

The appearing of Christ and His ultimate return in glory is one of the greatest events foretold in the Bible. For centuries, it has been the subject of endless scrutiny, debate, and speculation. This topic should not be dealt with in a way that is abstract or theoretical, but rather, practically. Christ’s return affects us personally—including the way we live in the here and now. It is not simply an event to occur in the unknown future. Rather, the return of Jesus is a vital factor in our lives today.

The more I have studied, the more reality of the Lord’s return has intensified in its importance to me. When the Holy Spirit first impressed this theme upon me, it just lingered for a while in my mind. Over the years, I have seen this “lingering” as an indication that the Lord wanted to show me something deeper on a topic. Gradually, the return of Jesus Christ became the focus of deep meditation and study in the Scriptures, and that process eventually led me to some serious self-examination.

Ultimately, I realized that I was being confronted by one of the most important questions I would ever face: Am I truly longing for the Lord’s return? I will ask you the same question I felt the Lord asking me: Are you longing for His appearing?Right now, you may feel as uncertain about your response to that question as I felt about mine! However, I believe that as you study the Lord’s return, a different answer will begin to take shape in your heart and mind—an answer that will change your outlook on life forever. There is no time like the present for us to begin longing for His appearing.

Derek Prince

Derek Prince (1915–2003) was born in India of British parents. Educated as a scholar of Greek and Latin at Eton College and Cambridge University, England, he held a Fellowship in Ancient and Modern Philosophy at King’s College. He also studied several modern languages, including Hebrew and Aramaic, at Cambridge University and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

While serving with the British army in World War II, he began to study the Bible and experienced a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Out of this encounter he formed two conclusions: first, that Jesus Christ is alive; second, that the Bible is a true, relevant, up-todate book.

Bible teacher

These conclusions altered the whole course of his life, which he then devoted to studying and teaching the Bible. Derek’s main gift of explaining the Bible and its teaching in a clear and simple way has helped build a foundation of faith in millions of lives. His non-denominational, non-sectarian approach has made his teaching equally relevant and helpful to people from all racial and religious backgrounds.

Teaching, preaching, broadcasting

Derek Prince is the author of over 50 books, 600 audio and 110 video teachings, many of which have been translated and published in more than 100 languages. He preached at many Christian conferences worldwide.

His daily radio broadcast is translated into Arabic, Chinese (Amoy, Cantonese, Mandarin, Shanghainese, Swatow), Croatian, German, Malagasy, Mongolian, Russian, Samoan, Spanish and Tongan. The radio program continues to touch lives around the world.

Our worldwide ministry

Derek Prince Ministries continues to reach out to believers in over 140 countries with Derek’s teachings, fulfilling the mandate to keep on “until Jesus returns”. This is effected through the outreaches of more than 45 Derek Prince Offices around the world, including primary work in Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.


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