Holy Desperation


The woman said, “I don’t know about that. I do know that the Messiah is coming. When he arrives, we’ll get the whole story.” “I am he,” said Jesus. (John 4:25–26)

The Samaritan woman has been listening to Jesus talking about her worshipping the Father. As He finishes, she tells Him that her people are longing for the Messiah. When He comes, then they will know the whole story about true worship. Jesus replies with a very simple statement. In the original Greek, He says, “I, I Am.” This is a history-making moment, not only for the woman but for all of us. “I Am” was the ancient, Hebrew name for God. When God revealed His name to Moses, He told Him, “I Am who I Am.” What Jesus is doing here is revealing who He truly is—Jehovah God in human flesh! This is the first time in His ministry that He reveals His divinity—and it is to a Samaritan woman! This is so in keeping with the Father’s love. He doesn’t reveal Himself to the satisfied, but to the thirsty. The Father’s love is truly for the desperate.


I worship You Jesus, that You are the Great I Am who has shown the Father’s love to the desperate. I am thirsty for more of that love. In Your name. Amen.

Mark Stibbe

Dr Mark Stibbe is an award winning Christian author who has over thirty popular books and five academic books in print. His first book was a collection of poems (published when he was 16). Many of his popular books have been bestsellers and his academic books are required reading in universities and seminaries all over the world. Recently Mark has taken to writing works of fiction and is currently developing a series of novels about an English Spy Vicar in the time of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars.

Mark has given himself to coaching writers and has been running a service called ‘The Script Doctor’. He is now the CEO and founder of KWS (Kingdom Writing Solutions), a holistic service for Christian writers. He is also a popular contributor at writer’s conferences and workshops.


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