Miraculous Healing and the Gospel


How do you receive and release God’s supernatural power to heal the sick? First, you do not need to convince God to use you. He is already set on that. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, then you are already qualified for the healing ministry. To receive this power, you simply need to believe that the Holy Spirit within you is capable of healing the sick. Your belief does not add to or subtract anything from God’s power working in you. The Bible is truth. What we believe is important because it determines how we respond to truth. If we do not believe the Spirit of God within us desires to heal others through us, we will not appropriate and release His healing power. It’s available. It’s within you. You simply need to step out, believe that you are anointed, trust that God wants to use you, and start taking risks.

Because healing the sick is not a "side issue;" it is actually a key benefit of the atoning work of Jesus Christ. While He came to forgive our sins and remove the barrier that separated humanity from God, His work on the cross also made provision for our physical healing. We see this prophetically expressed in Isaiah 53:4-5, which speaks of the coming Messiah:

Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered Him punished by God, stricken by Him, and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed (NIV).

We live in a fallen world that has been stained by sin. This is why we have sickness, disease, and illness. Emotional dysfunction and torment abound because this planet is still under the influence of the prince of the power of the air, who is Satan (see Eph. 2:2). And while medical and psychiatric help can benefit many people, sometimes medical help is slow, unhelpful, and even detrimental. The fact of the matter is that we cannot place our ultimate confidence in medicine, as it is fallible.This is why it is so important for you to learn to release God’s power in your life. The world is looking for answers. People are desperate for solutions to their maladies. While we as believers do not claim to have all the answers, we are filled with the Spirit of the One who has all wisdom, power, and healing virtue. Alone we have nothing, but filled with Christ we have everything.

It is through the atoning work of Jesus that God provides many blessings for the world He so loves. Jesus’ victory over the dominion of darkness is absolutely complete. The power of His blood impacts every realm of living—the spirit, soul, and body. For us to truly live in the atonement means we live from a position of absolute victory, which includes freedom over bondage to sin, shame, guilt, demonic oppression, torment, curses, satanic activity, sickness, disease, and emotional illness. This is what the cross has made available to you and to everyone else who receives its fullness. As Christians, we have a wealth of inheritance to draw from. We do not need to twist God’s arm to give these things to us; they are freely provided.

It’s time for you to freely give what you have freely received in Christ. Interestingly enough, the very context of this phrase—“freely received, freely give”—is supernatural ministry. As Jesus was instructing His disciples, He said:

And as you go, preach, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give (Matthew 10:7-8).

In Christ, you have freely received God’s supernatural power. Now it’s time to activate and freely release what you have received through the atonement.

We cannot buy into a gospel that works in heaven but not on earth. The gospel is every bit as relevant to us on earth today as it will be in heaven. Jesus did not inaugurate a system that would only become useful after we die or when He returns to earth in the second coming. His atoning work on the cross made it possible for you and me to become vessels of God’s power, continuing Jesus’ restorative mission on earth today.

Randy Clark

Randy Clark, a noted international speaker, is a graduate of United Theological Seminary, where he received his D.Min. in 2013. He also received his M.Div from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and his bachelor's degree was in Religious Studies from Oakland City University. He was used of God to birth the revival that broke out in Toronto, Canada, in January 1994 that continued six nights a week for over twelve years.

Randy is best known for the gift on his life for activating and imparting gifts of the Holy Spirit. The late John Wimber was the first to recognize this grace on Randy's life. John heard the audible voice of God tell him twice that Randy would one day travel the world laying hands on pastors and leaders to activate and impart to them gifts of the Spirit. Randy also continues to demonstrate the Lord's power to heal the sick with great tenacity. While having been used to launch several famous ministers into the new level of their anointing by laying hands on them and prophesying to them, the focus of his ministry is on the average person in the congregation, encouraging them that they too can be used of God in the gifts of the Spirit, especially words of knowledge and healing. His message is simple: "God wants to use you."

He is the author of "There Is More" and many other books, manual/workbooks, booklets and materials. He is the co-author with Bill Johnson of two books, "The Essential Guide to Healing" and "Healing Unplugged". His book, "There Is More" is now being used as a textbook at the United Theological Seminary (a United Methodist Seminary) for one of the courses taught by Dr. Andrew Sung Park. Dr. Park is also going to use "The Essential Guide to Healing" in his seminary course.


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