Come Like a Child


"And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them." —Mark 10:13-16

It is interesting to me that just before this took place the Lord was ministering on the subject of divorce and adultery. When He brought up that subject, someone brought the children to Him so He could touch them. Broken homes often produce broken children. These little ones are often caught in the cross fire of angry parents.

Who were these nameless persons who had the insight and the wisdom to bring the children to the Master? They brought the children to Him that He might touch them. What a strange interruption to a discourse on adultery and divorce. Here are these little children dragging dirty blankets and blank gazes into the presence of a God who is dealing with grown-up problems. He takes time from His busy schedule not so much to counsel them, but just to touch them.That’s all it takes. I salute all the wonderful people who work with children. Whether through children’s church or public school, you have a very high calling. Don’t forget to touch their little lives with a word of hope and a smile of encouragement. It may be the only one some will receive. You are the builders of our future.

Jesus stopped teaching on the cause of divorce and marital abuse to touch the victim, to minister to the effect of the abuse. He told them to suffer the little children to come. Suffer the suffering to come! It is hard to work with hurting people, but the time has come for us to suffer the suffering to come. Anything, whether an injured animal or a hospital patient, if it is hurt, is unhappy. We cannot get a wounded lion to jump through hoops! Hurting children as well as hurting adults can carry the unpleasant aroma of bitterness. In spite of the challenge, it is foolish to give up on your own. So they brought the “ouch” to the Band-Aid, and He stopped His message for His mission. Imagine tiny hands outstretched, little faces upturned, perching like sparrows on His knee. They came to get a touch, but He always gives us more than we expected. He held them with His loving arms. He touched with His sensitive hands. But most of all, He blessed them with His compassionate heart!

Become like a child right now and let the Master lay His healing hands upon you. Invite the Holy Spirit into your past and ask Him to shine Heaven’s spotlight on broken areas that need wholeness. The goal is not to revisit pain for the purpose of hurting more; it’s going to the past root of your present infection.

Often, we try to deal with symptoms by concealing them with a Band-Aid, when really we are placing a cover-up on a growing infection that is festering well below the surface. The Lord shines light on whatever He wants to heal and restore. Trust His process, surrendering in childlike faith.


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