Pressing on Towards the Goal


The most common phrase I hear when I encourage someone to begin working out is, “I hate exercise!” Let’s be honest, we’ve all groaned at one point at the thought of having to force ourselves out of the house and log yet another mile on the treadmill. Sometimes making yourself move just isn’t fun! However, part of maturity is accepting that sometimes we have to do things that we don’t want to do in order to serve the bigger picture.Hebrews 12:11 tells us that, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it” (NIV). I love that it says that it gives us “a peace for those who have been trained by it” because it shows that there is always a good reward when we are willing to step outside of our comfort zone and be diligent. We live in a culture where we are naturally drawn to fast results. This mindset can be extremely harmful, especially when applied to a journey like health and wellness. Long-lasting results often take time, patience, and diligence. Obstacles and mistakes are inevitable in this journey, but like Paul says in Philippians 3:14, we are called to “press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

I encourage you today that if you feel unmotivated or afraid to take the next step, allow yourself to see the bigger picture. Feel encouraged knowing that if you allow yourself to be disciplined now, you will soon be walking in the peace it will bring in the future. Body Today, make yourself do something that you don’t want to do, knowing that you will reap the rewards! Whether it’s 50 jumping jacks, a brisk walk, or an at-home work-out DVD, set your goal and discipline yourself to make sure you accomplish it. Soul Exercise, like any other discipline, may not feel good in the moment; however, we can rest knowing that we will someday walk in its fruits. In those moments when you feel like skipping a workout or quitting early, remind yourself of your “Why” and be motivated knowing that you will someday reap its rewards!

SpiritFather, I thank You for the gift of discipline and I pray that You give me a heart for receiving it. Please continue to remind me of the fruit that I will receive when I push past my comfort zone and allow myself to be stretched.

Beni Johnson

Beni Johnson was one of the Senior Pastors of Bethel Church. She served, along with her husband, Bill Johnson, a growing number of churches that have partnered for revival. This apostolic network has crossed denominational lines in building relationships that enable church leaders to walk in both purity and power. Beni’s call to intercession remains an integral part of the Bethel Church mission where she led the Bethel's Prayer House, ministry teams and the intercessors. She believed that being an intercessor is capturing the heartbeat of heaven and declaring or praying that into your world. It is true agreement with heaven.


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