The Paranormal in the Church: My Introduction to Deliverance Ministry


I grew up knowing nothing about demons. I didn’t know their powers and how they could hold us in bondage. I knew nothing.

My husband and I were in ministry and still knew nothing about the demonic realms. We hadn’t been taught. We were in a denominational church and hadn’t even considered the possibility that they could attack us.

While in ministry, we were thrown into what we call a “boot camp of deliverance,” as we found ourselves in the spiritual war of our lives. Paranormal activity was taking place in our church and in the parsonage, with members of the church witnessing the activity. We were green in this area of ministry and were up against Jezebel spirits. Multiple witchcraft curses were thrown at us. We later learned that people in the community had gathered against us doing séances and other demonic activity over bonfires. The war was real, but we weren’t totally aware of the complexity of the war at that time.

God intervened greatly; and as we started to pray and declare for our church, He showed us a supernatural sign in the sky. It was a gray, overcast rainy day. There was total cloud cover over the parsonage and church. My husband was gathered with a group of Spirit-filled believers praying and walking the property, while I took care of our young children. Everyone simply stood in awe and were amazed as the clouds parted right over the property and the sun came out and shone brightly. It was a supernatural sign that we were in a war, but one that could be won.The year we endured was difficult, but worth where it would lead us and how it would free us. My husband said, “Someday we will be in deliverance ministry.” We moved away from that region to a church that would teach us both healing and deliverance ministries. Although we weren’t trained for what we do now, this time was an integral part of giving us a foundation of the Gospels, our authority, and healing and deliverance.I spent the next two years of my life on the floor prostrate before the Lord, praying and worshipping. I dug deep into the Scripture and studied and read many books. God once again threw me into a boot camp, this one by choice. And after six short sessions—and years of direct impartation from the Holy Spirit—my deliverance ministry was birthed. I have seen God deliver thousands of people from the powers of the demonic. Deliverance knows no boundaries. I have delivered witches, gang members, Christians, pastors, New Agers, and friends. Nothing compares to a person coming into my place one way, with heaviness and oppression, and leaving with a completely new outlook on life and a changed countenance. There is nothing that compares to seeing that kind of freedom on a person and the light and love of Jesus come in and penetrate all the darkness. It is amazing!It is out of all the freedom I have witnessed that I decided to write Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan—to empower your team, or to set you free as a captive. It is willfully and joyfully that I simply pass along to you the knowledge and impartation that the Holy Spirit gave me in the secret place. Everything I am and everything I know is from the greatest Teacher of all—the Holy Spirit. May you go forth with the same empowerment I received. And my one word of wisdom to you, is to stay in the secret place where deliverance can manifest, impartation will come, and a passion for the things that are important to Jesus will ignite.

Therefore if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed (John 8:36).

Prayer of Deliverance

God, deliver Your people. I know You are a faithful God, desiring to give good gifts to Your children. Manifest Your promises now for Your children. Bring forth and establish the deliverance they are longing for. God, enable them to be strong and mighty in the Lord. Holy Spirit, convict them right now to believe and receive. Establish Your Kingdom within them. Father God, I decree that they will lack nothing. Nothing is impossible for You. You are full of promises for them that are yes and amen! Father, let nothing hinder the possibilities and promises they have in You. Keep the evil perpetrator away from them, their families, and ministries. I speak to all evil invading and penetrating their lives and I command it to be bound and restricted—there is no longer any access. I close every demonic portal used to establish evil things around their lives, delays, and hindrances.I say they will walk in complete freedom and the manifestation of every good thing. All demonic assignments cease to exist now, in Jesus’ name. I command every intrusion to be evacuated by the blood of the Lamb. I call forth mind renewals and blessings. Fear, you are an invasion, I command you to leave. They have not been established in fear, but in love, wisdom, peace, righteousness, hope, joy, and abundance. Every fearful spirit from their past and present, I tell you to leave. I abolish every principality operating over them. Lord Jesus, Yeshua Messiah, the Great and Mighty Deliverer, come in fresh in this moment and root out and cast out every evil ploy. Show Your greatness and magnificent power and the wonder of Your love through supernatural deliverance to Your people at this moment, in the name of Yahweh, amen!


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