God Releases His Supernatural Protection


Some time later, the Lord spoke to Abram in a vision and said to him, ‘Do not be afraid, Abram, for I will protect you, and your reward will be great.'(Genesis 15:1)

My child, know that I am going to reveal Myself to you in a unique way today and show you My hand of protection and provision. I will speak to your imagination and safeguard you and your possessions with My spiritual covering. Now is the time to broaden your horizons so you can dream big, expand your thinking, and enlarge your territory. Today is the beginning of a new day, a new season for you. Even if you feel as if you are in the winter season of life, a time of renewal and refreshing is coming. Set your goals and standards high. I will send the supernatural resources, provision, and protection you will need to finish strong.

I will come and whisper in your ear what I have prepared for you to do before the foundation of the world. When the enemy attempts to blur your vision, I will bring clarity and greater insights into My promises. Don’t be afraid or dismayed, My child, I keep My promises. As you trust Me and depend on Me, I will be your shield and source of prosperity. I have an everlasting covenant with you that cannot be breached or broken. Hold on to My promises with great hope and confidence and watch as I fulfill them in you and through you.

Hakeem Collins

Dr. Hakeem Collins is a rising prophetic voice and governmental minister with a unique anointing in the prophetic, healings and the supernatural. He is called of God to father and lead the next generation of world changers and champions. Hakeem’s passion is to initiate and ignite unprecedented fresh moves of the Holy Spirit. His mission is to accurately communicate God’s original plan and purpose for humanity. He has traveled the U.S extensively ministering and demonstrating the Kingdom. Hakeem is the founder/CEO of Champions International which is an itinerary ministry based in Wilmington, Delaware where he resides. He is one of the youngest affiliated apostolic leader of IMPACT Network under Apostle John Eckhardt of Chicago, IL and he also an active member of ICA (International Coalition of Apostles) under C. Peter Wagner and John P. Kelly.


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